Chapter 28.

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Charlotte's POV,

I opened the rooftop's door, and I could feel the cold brezze, I closed the door behind me and seared beside it, trying to calm down, and not to think of anything related to Taehyung! I thought of good and happy moments with my father..but, it didnt seem to work! I looked down. The door of the rooftop opened and someone peeped. I didnt wanted to look who it was...

?????:''Aww! The princess looks sad without her prince!"

I looked up, at the familiar voice!



He came and seated beside me smiling like idiot!

Jimin:"You did really good in the play! That dude, ruined it!"

He gave a disgust face. I giggled!

Charlotte:"Its not like its his fault! It was.."

Jimin:"I know. I know. All of us know. You really audible from far away!"

Charlotte:"Hm? All? The others are here too?"

Jimin:"Hm! But, I volunteered to come and confort you! As they were hella scared! That you will through them off, or punch them, or what else!"

Charlotte:"Ha! You're making that up to praise yourself!"

Jimin:"Think whatever you want!"

Charlotte:"Anyway, I still cannot figure out of feelings!"

Jimin:"Huh? What feelings? You like V,and he likes you back simple! Just think! A guy who literally bothers what others, drank that poison, and didnt let you drink it!"

His talk made sense, but still..... He continued,

Jimin:"Remember? The game, where I told him, to make you fall in love with him, Jin whispered that, give him something really hard! And tough! And Jungkook whispered that it is the time to have to chane him, for his sake! So, my brilliant came up with the idea!"

Charlotte:"Do you realize, you always compliment yourself! A lot!"

Jimin shrugged! And then he hit on my right side of neck!

Charlotte:"Ouch! What you think you doing?"

Jimin:"Get up! Just get up!"

I looked cluelessly! He pulled me up!

Jimin:"You didnt realize that you fell with a thud sound during the play, I knew it would hurt here! Now stop dreaming around, and treat it!"

Nurse applied some spray and all, the other guys came into the room,

RM:"Right now, V is not awake, so we can only ask you! You ok?'


Jungkook:"Glad to hear that!"

Someone knocked on the door,

Doctor:"Master Taehyung woke up!"


Jhope:'',Lets go!"

We left the room, and Imsaw Zoya standing there, I walked up to her!

Charlotte:''I thought about it! I'll forgive you!"

Zoya:"That good to hear! As you have forgiven me! I promise not to tell anyone that you are his stepsister!"

Charlotte:"You sure are sharp aren't you! Anyway, if I had not forgiveyou, would you have told about us?"

She was a little taken aback from my question, I giggled.

Charlotte:"See you later!"

I entered Taehyung's room! And he was smiling and talking when he looked at me!

Taehyung:"Wouldn't you like to say thanks to me blondie?"

Charlotte:"No! It was your fault to drink it in the first place! Why be a hero! Could have just told me! The play went so confident king! Anyway leave it!"

Taehyung:"Thats so harsh! I'm hurt! Can't you see I'm not well?"

Charlotte:"Better let it be harsh! Or else in the future you'll do the same mistake!"

Taehyung:"Ah! She's still so mean! She'll never change!"

Next Day,

After school, I start went to hospital, when I was walking to Taehyung's room, I saw stepfather and a kid crying he conforted him, and talked sweetly to him! After the kid was gone he turned around and our eyes met. I bowed amd he walked up.

Stepfather:"Came to see V?"

I nodded, and smiled and waved me bye. Is he really nice? Ah! This is not the time!

Taehyung:"Why didn't you came to see me in the morning!?"

He was lying down on bed!

Charlotte:"I had a school to attend idiot!"

Taehyung:"Who did you call an idiot? Anyway, is school or me important?"

Charlotte:"Ofcourse school!"

He suddenly got up grabbed my hand, and pulled me towards him!

Charlotte:"I...thought you couldn't move!"

Taehyung:"I thought you said you like me?"

He was staring at me!

Taehyung:''You thought you could get away, after talking so harsly to me?"

Oh oh! I'm done!

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