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Demetria's P.O.V.:

Running down the stairs, Damian and I make our way out the door, towards the black car waiting for us. I close the door behind us, walking towards Alfred who waits at the car door, waiting for me to climb in. Crawling into the backseat, Alfred closes the door behind, climbing into the driver's seat himself. Buckling his seatbelt, we take off. Off to Wayne Enterprises we go.


After a while, the car comes to a stop. Damian and I look out the window to see that we've finally arrived at Father's company. As we are looking out the window, the door of the window that we are looking out of opens, revealing Alfred, holding the door for us. 

Stepping out of the car, I ask, "Will you be going with us, Alfred?"

"No, miss. I have to go back to the manor and finish my work. Contact me once you wish to come back home using your father's cell. Or you could spend the whole day here with your father."

"Okay," I call out as Alfred closes the door and heads over to the driver's seat. "Drive safe."

With that, Alfred drives, off disappearing into the mass of cars.

"Drive safe? Seriously?" Damian says from behind me.

"Was I supposed to say 'I hope you die'?" I ask, walking into the company.

"He knows to drive safe," he says walking into company beside me.

"I was being nice, Dami."

Entering the lobby, we stop looking at the area. Nothing has changed from the last time we came here. Same clean, rich feel to the place.

"So, elevator or stairs?" I ask.

"How about w—"

"Excuse me," a voice interrupts us.

We swerve our head to the direction of the voice to find the blond-haired woman at the receptionist's desk staring at us. Her glasses are at the bridge of her nose, while she looks at us over her rims. "Who are you, children, and why are you here?" she asks, snobbily.

"Does the world know about us yet?" I whisper to Damian.

"No," he whispers back. "Father told me that he had managed to pay the media to keep it a secret. Probably got rid of the evidence after that."

Taking in the information, I keep eye contact with the woman trying to come up with a random excuse. "We are—" I hold out the last syllable trying to come up with something— "here to visit."

"You're an idiot," Damian whispers to me.

"You think of something," I retort.

"Visit? Visit who?" She asks.

"We're here to visit Fa—I mean Mr. Wayne."

"Do you have an appointment?"

Damian and I give her blank stares. "You got something?" I whisper to Damian, asking if he has a lie to give.

"Nope. But I do have a plan."

"A plan?" I ask, keeping my eyes on the lady. Her gaze not leaving us. "Please do tell. This lady is really making uncomfortable." Staring back at the lady, I begin to shiver. "Just looking at her is giving me PTSD. She looks a lot like the Joker with all that make-up on."

"Maybe that's how Father hires his employees—stupid clowns."

"Or maybe that's his type," I add on.

"Are you implying that Mother is a stupid clown?" he asks, glaring at me.

"Did Mother and Father even like each other? Father was drugged to conceive us, so are there feeling involved?"

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