Diner Pt. 2

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Demetria's P.O.V.:

Damian and I enter the diner, right after Dick, cautiously walking into the unfamiliar place. The moment we step in, we're hit with the smell of greasy and sweet food. We freeze in front of the door, taken aback from the new smell, as Dick leaves us and walks up to a lady in a uniform. She wore a blue dress-like attire, with a small apron around her waist.

"It smells weird," Damian whispers, grimacing.

"Yeah," I say, agreeing with him.

We walk over to Dick as he's talking to the lady. "Three people," he tells her, holding up three fingers. "And can we get a booth?"

"Sure thing," she says, grabbing three menus. "Follow me." 

She leads us into the eating area, passing numerous people, and empty seatings. Everything was blue, and if it wasn't, it was either beige, white or gray—some of the colors that are too common in our family. The chairs and booths are painted beige while cushioned with the color gray. They sit near white tables, all of the different sizes depending on where it is located. We continue walking through the blue walled, white floored diner, trying to avoid bumping into the people sitting in tables on our left and those in booths at our right.

"Here is your booth," the lady says, putting her hand out towards the booth at the end of the room. She places the menus on the table and smiles at us. "I'll be back to take your order." With that, she leaves, going off in the other direction.

Dick slides into the booth with Damian and me across from him, with me taking the window seat. I turn back, into the direction of where we had come from, looking at the scene before me. "Why did she seat us all the way back here, where there are plenty of other empty seats up there?" I ask Dick.

"They're assigned certain tables that they can serve, that's why. And besides, we'll get less attention directed at us when we sit here."

"Grayson, what the hell is this?" Damian says, his face holding a look of concern and disgust. He has the menu open in his hands, slowly reading the words, slowly getting more disgusted.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Are we in a diner or a porn shooting?" Damian asks, putting the menu down and glaring at Dick.

My eyes widen, in surprise at the words that had just come out of Damian's mouth. "A porn shooting? Like sex?"

"Damian, what the hell are you talking about?" Dick asks, rolling his eyes. He opens the menu and begins to skim over it. "I don't see anything wrong."

"Tch. You're just looking at the pictures, aren't you," Damian says crossing his arms.

"Well, ya. So?"

Damian grabs his menu once again and sighs. "So you don't even bother reading the descriptions?" Damian flips the menu to a specific page and begins reading. "This burger contains only the thickets, juiciest, meat that will leave you moaning. It'll only keep you begging for more." Damian looks up from his menu, staring at Dick. "Shall I continue?"

"Where'd you find that?" Dick asks, looking through the menu.

"It's called 'Big Daddy Doo's Extra Meaty Burger'," Damian reads, grimacing at every word leaving his mouth.

"I don't know whether I should laugh or be appalled by what I'm hearing," I whisper, only loud enough for the three of us to hear.

"Quit making fun of the descriptions. The food here is really good and you're making me lose my appetite with your dirty minds. Now shut-up and order before I send you two back to the company," Dick argues, pointing a finger at us.

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