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Demetria's P.O.V.:

"So," Dick says breaking the silence, "where we off to?"

Damian and I stare at Dick, not knowing what to say. Instead of using words, we had decided to use our actions. We shrug.

Dick looks at us through the rearview mirror in disbelief. "So you called me and you didn't have a plan or any idea of what you or we're going to do?"

"Now that you mention it," I point out. "You sound a lot like Father. 'So you broke into the company without a plan?'" I say in a deep voice, trying to impersonate Father.

"That was the worst impersonation I have ever seen," Damian says, looking at me with disgust.

"Then why don't you do it?" I challenge him.

"Tch. And make a fool of myself? No thank you."

"You're right," I tell him. "Your face already makes you look like a fool. Everything after that just adds to it."

"Hey!" he yells, lunging at me, knocking me down onto the seats. 

He attempts to pin my arms down as I push back. I begin to try and kick him off of me, only causing him to jab me in the sides. Chuckles begin to escape my mouth, seeing how dirty he's playing. He knows where my weak spots are, but luckily I do too. And the worst ones too.

"Hey! Stop fighting you two!"

As he's jabbing me I take this opportunity and kick him in his weak spot. I laugh and smile in triumph pointing at his pained expression. He falls back, in pain, clutching his groin.

"You cheated!" he groans out.

"You started tickling me!" I retort.

"But that doesn't mean that you have to kick me there!" Damian lunges at me once again but I successfully block the attack, by lightly kicking him in the inner thigh, roughly close to his private area. Damian flinches, at the contact.

"Did you just kick your brother in the dick?" Dicks asks.

"Yeah," I answer. "I should've gone harder, shouldn't I have?" I look at Damian and smirk. "I'll try again," I play, raising my fist and aiming for Damian.

"Okay! That's enough!" Dick screams in worry. "Are you two seriously deadly assassins?" he deadpans.

"Do you have a problem with it?" I ask, glaring at him.

He visibly gulps. "Deadly assassin and bi-polar preteens, noted. So, anywhere specific you want to go?"

"No, not really," I answer.

"We don't know any places in this city besides the company and the park," Damian adds on.

"The park? You guys went out and went to the park, like normal people?"

"No. We got lost in the park during our first time breaking into Father's company," I tell him.

"Oh okay—You broke into Wayne Enterprises!" Dick exclaims, taking his eyes off of the roads to stare at us, wide-eyed. "Does Bruce know?!"

"Tch. Of course, Grayson," Damian says rolling his eyes. "Who do you think we were running away from earlier?"

"Wait! That was today?!"

"No, our first break-in was during our first week with Father," I correct him.

"Then why were you running from your dad today?"

"Because we decided to break-in a second time," I reply confidently, not ashamed of what we had done.

"So what your telling me is that you were at his office without him knowing, and then you decided to call me when he figured it out?" Dick deduces.

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