Shut-up Grayson

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Demetria's P.O.V.:

Jason continues driving as I constantly look behind me, out the window, slightly worried for Dick.

"He's not dead," Damian says, rolling his eyes. "We saw him walk out of the bathroom."

"He was beaten to a pulp. I'd hardly call that alive." I sit back in my seat, staring at the back of Jason's head as he's driving. "Jason? Where are you taking us?"

"Anywhere but there," he answers, as he takes a right turn.

"Obviously, Todd. But where?" Damian pesters.

"Hey Princess," Jason says, ignoring Damian. "How about you kick your brother out of the car as I'm going a hundred mph. Then we ditch him and do some actual brother-sister bonding?" he proposes, speeding up.

"Tempting," I say, taking off the shades on my face. "But I don't think my twin would appreciate it."

"Tch. I don't appreciate the majority of things you do," Damian says, taking off his sunglasses and crossing his arms.

"I'll keep that in mind, the next time you need my help."

All of sudden, the car comes to an immediate stop, causing me and Damian to go flying towards the seat in front of us, face first. The food we had placed on the seat between us, flies forward, spilling onto the floor.

"What the h—"

"You two are twins?!" Jason screams, turning his whole body towards us.

The screeching of cars enters our ears. Right behind us is a line of cars, waiting for us to move. There are a series of angry honks and foul language aimed at us. Numerous people on the sidewalks are staring at us, slowing their pace as they pass by. Drivers are sticking their heads out of their window, yelling profanity at us, slowly exiting their car. Despite all of this happening, Jason refuses to move.

"We are," Damian answers. "Do you have a problem with it?"

"A problem?! Hell yeah I do! It's crazy enough that you two are related, but the fact that you two came from the same egg!" He falls back into his seat, rubbing his hands onto his face. He puts his hands on the steering wheel, clenching them. As the honks continue, Jason's face turns red. He rolls down his window and sticks his head out, facing the cars behind him. "Do you mind?! I'm having a fuckin' crisis here!" He sticks his head back into the car, rolling his window back up. Rolling his window all the way up, he hits the gas, satisfying the cars behind us.

Damian and I look at each other questioningly, shrugging our shoulders at each other. We have no idea what had just happened.

"I can't believe you two are twins. From the same sperm and egg," Jason mumbles in disbelief.

"Actually we're not from the sperm or egg. If we were, we would be the same gender," I point out.

"Tch. Stupid," Damian says, making fun of Jason. "How did you not know that we're twins?"

"I'd like to think that twins are similar. You two are not similar in any way."

"We're far more similar than you think, Jason," I comment.

"We have the same face. You can't get more similar than this," Damian says, rapidly pointing between his face and mine.

"Also," I add. I lean towards Jason and punch him repeatedly.

"Hey! I'm driving here!" He lifts one arm off of the steering wheel and begins to put his hand to my face, attempting to push me off. "Male Demetria! Get her off of me before we crash!"

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