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Demetria's P.O.V.:

The security guards are approaching us fast. The worst part about them heading straight for us is that they're the same ones from earlier. Running behind them is Dick and Damian, at full speed. As they get closer to the guards, they jump, grabbing the hem of their jackets and pulling it over their head as they jump over them. The guards bend over, in an awkward position, yelling and tossing around, trying to escape from the jacket restraints. Landing on the ground, Dick and Damian look back at the struggling guards.

"Run!" Dick yells at us.

I grab Jason's arm and pull him, forcing him to falter back and release the boy, away from the pit. We begin to run back to the entrance of the zoo, but in order to do that, we have to get past the security.

The two guards, successfully pull off their jackets from their heads, their faces, full of rage. As soon as they had taken off their jackets, they get knocked down by a strong force.

Dick kicks one of the guards down to help buy time. "I'm sorry!" he says. "Don't tell my dad!"

As Dick is doing that, Damian runs up to the guard that had dropped me and jump-kicks off of him. The guard falls onto the floor with a thud, causing him to groan in pain. "Tch. I'm not sorry. That's what you get for dropping my sister."

As I'm dragging a glaring Jason, I run towards Damian and quickly grab his arm before he kills the man. Grabbing Damian, I turn my head towards Dick to find him staring at the fallen security guard in remorse. "Dick! Come on!"

The four of us dart past the two guards on the ground, swerving and bumping into people. Behind us, we can hear a small crowd of people following us. I turn my head, to see people of all ages, running after us with their phones out. "We have an audience!" I point out. As soon as I had said that, I group of security approaches us, jogging their way over to us.

"Then let's give them a show!" Jason yells, running ahead of us. He charges at one of the guards. "Excuse me!" he yells, punching one guard in the face, knocking him out. "You're in our way."

Another guard approaches Jason, sending a punch at him. As he swings, Jason ducks, and over him, jumps Damian, sending a kick towards the guard. The poor, defenseless, guard goes flying back, skidding across the floor.

"Hm. Not bad, Demon Spawn," Jason compliments.

"I only do the best, Todd."

As the boys work together to defend themselves, I find myself surrounded by five guards. Yeah. Surround the little girl with five people three times her size. Not that it matters to me, but it's going to look bad for them. 

"Don't move kid. Just come with us and everything will be fine," a male guard says. Not even a few seconds later, he gets knocked down onto the floor with another guard on top of him.

I look up to find that Dick had thrown the massive guard in my direction. "Come on!" he yells, waving his hand over to me. 

Without a second thought, I run over the two guards, stepping on their back for fun. I run towards Dick, speeding away side by side, behind Jason and Damian. "Do you know the way out?" I ask Jason, seeing as he's the one leading us.

Jason casually reaches into his pocket taking out the map from earlier. He begins to unfold the paper, constantly turning it around, to figure out how to read it. "What the fuck," he growls out in frustration, shaking the piece of paper.

"Give me that!" Damian yells, taking the piece of paper away from Jason's grasp. "Why'd we let the imbecile read a map?" He begins to turn the map, trying to look at it upright. He continues to flip the piece of paper, repeatedly, each flip more violent than the last.

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