Mall Pt.2

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Bruce's P.O.V.:

We're walking through the mall, heading towards what I'm assuming would be a cosmetic store. Tim, Dick, and Jason are leading us towards a set of escalators to get onto the second floor, as I stay behind the group, keeping an eye on the twins. I watch as the twins walk together, side by side, looking left and right in curiosity. Every now and then, Demetria would drop her pace, nearly coming to a complete stop. But before she could stop and stare at whatever has caught her interest, Damian would be quick to grab her by the arm and drag her. I watch in amusement, seeing as how they work. I'm so used to seeing Demetria drag Damian and stop him from doing things, that I find it quite entertaining to see the roles reversed.

"Dee! Stop spacing out, before some random guys pull you into a dark alleyway again!" Damian yells, tugging to Demetria's arm.

"Tch. There are no dark alleyways in a mall, Dami," Demetria, says rolling her eyes.

"Wait," I say, Damian's words processing in my brain. "Again?"

"What do you mean by again?" Jason asks, turning around. 

We all get on the escalator, looking at Demetria as we ascend. 

"It happened on the day we first broke into the company," Damian answers. "Demetria has a habit of zoning out."

"Not my fault that the store seemed interesting," I complain, crossing my arms.

"Great, now I have to be extra careful with you two," I sigh. 

Reaching the second floor we take a right, walking past stores filled with clothing, appliances, furniture, etc.

"Are these stores just randomly placed?" Demetria asks, looking at all of the stores around us. 

"Yup," Dick answers, confidently walking towards the direction of whichever store he wants to go to.

"That's stupid," Damian comments. "How are people suppose to know where to go if there is no organization on these floors, what-so-ever?"

"That's why you either go to the mall with another person so that you get lost together or," Jason says putting a finger up, "come so often to the point where you can walk around the building blindfolded."

"Can we test that theory?" Demetria asks, excitedly.

"No," I answer in replace of Jason. "We're already suspicious enough and I don't want any of you to cause any trouble."

"Aw," she complains. "But it'll be funny to see Jason bumping into walls. Or better yet, fall off the second floor, by trying to prove his point."

"Yeah!" Jason says quickly. "Wait a minute!"

"I'd like to see that," Damian joins in with a smirk.

"Shut-up, you tiny demon!"

I sigh out in frustration. "There will never be an end to this."

"In here!" Dick says, pointing at a store and walking straight into it.

Following behind him I read the name of the store, staring at it questioningly. "This is a pharmacy," I point out. "I thought you guys said that you were going to some store that sells cosmetics and stuff like that."

"They have that here too," he says, walking into an aisle.

"How do you know that?" I ask. As we're walking through the aisles, all I see are creams, body washes, medication, and other body appliances.

"I like to roam in my free time," he answers nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders.

"Should I be concerned?" I ask aloud.

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