Mall Pt. 4

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Demetria's P.O.V.:

Somewhere during our little trip back to the car, our twin rivalry somehow kicked in. All I remember is us walking in comfortable silence, and then we somehow turned our heads towards each other at the same time. With just that short time of eye-contact, we began to pick up our pace, to the point where we began running at full speed through the mall. We're now outside of the building, running through the parking lot with me in the lead. 

I run forward, straight towards the white car. Approaching the car, I stick out my hand, touching the car, claiming my victory. I turn around with a smile and point teasingly at Damian. "Ha! Slow!"

Damian slows down his pace as he approaches, glaring at me in annoyance. "You're not the one carrying three million things in your hands!" he complains.

"I offered to carry some," I defend, "But your ego was too big to even hand me one bag."

"Tch. Your welcome," he huffs out.

"I appreciate the effort, Dami," I compliment, patting him on the head. Walking away from him, I fish out the keys from my pocket and grab the remote, attached to the chain. Pointing the remote towards the car, I press the button to unlock the vehicle, causing the car to flash its headlights and release a short, loud alarm.

"Dee, we have a problem." Damian stands behind the car with the trunk open. All of the bags are resting on the floor as he peaks his head around the car.

'What's wrong?" I ask, carrying the one bag that I'm carrying towards him. I look into the trunk and find it empty. "Are you seeing something that I'm not?"

"You said that you don't want Father to find out that you bought these, right?"

"Okay. And?"

"Dee," he facepalms. "If we put it in the trunk he's going to see. Especially since the bags have a huge logo with the store's name on it. Not to mention, there isn't enough space back here to fit these and all of the other things that we're going to buy."

I stare at the car with my hands on hips. "Well, I never took that into consideration," I admit, scratching the back of my head. I look down at our five bags of random goods. Staring at it long enough, I begin to dig through the bags. 

"What the hell are you doing?" Damian asks as I throw one of the shirts at him.

I place another shirt neatly onto the car while continuing to dig through the goods. I begin to pull out all of the small shocking, prank items, the neon paints in a spray can, and the breast mirror hangers. Placing the items onto the black, tarred, street, I begin to take off my shirt.

"What are you doing!" Damian yells, pulling my shirt back down and looking around sporadically. "Are you crazy?"

"No. Just trying to make it harder for Father to find us. Besides, I want to try it on," I explain, grabbing 'In my defense, I was left unsupervised' shirt. "And I took those out of the bag because now we have one less bag to worry about. If we rearrange all of the items and try to fit them into one or two bags, then we can stuff them behind Jason and/or Tim's seats."

"I guess," Damian says, uncertainly. "But I don't think you should change—Demetria!"

As he was talking I took this opportunity to change out of my white shirt into the appropriately worded shirt. I stick my head through the hole and smile at him. "Your turn. We don't have all day." I bend down and grab the breasts that are connected by a string. Picking the object, I begin to walk away from Damian and towards the driver's seat.

"And where are you going?" Damian asks, completely shirtless.

"Just doing some decorating," I reply, waving him off. I open the driver's seat and climb in. Kneeling on the driver's seat, I hang the breasts on the rearview mirror, allowing them to dangle and bounce around. "Hey, Dami!" I yell from my seat. "Once you're done changing, can you get started with the neon paint?" I climb out of the car and close it, walking back over to Damian.

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