The Real One

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Demetria's P.O.V.:

The clone rises to its feet, pointing an accusing finger at me. "That's the clone!"

"Tch. You're not going to believe that thing?! Are you?!" I had exclaimed, glaring at the two boys.

"Dude," Jon says. "I don't know what to do."

"Tch. Which one of you is the real one?" Damian asks.

"What did you say?" Jon asks, caught off guard by the different dialect.

"Me," the clone answers before I could.

"You can speak Arabic?" I exclaim at the clone.

Damian quickly pulls out a Batarang and aims the weapon at me. "No!" I yell. "I'm the real one!"

"Uh," Jon says. "They both spoke in alien dialect. I don't think your plan worked."

"Then there is only one way to solve this," Damian says, putting his weapon down.

"Which is?" Jon asks.

Damian glares at the two us. "Take both of them down."

My eyes widen in surprise. A smirk appears on my lips as I glare back with amusement. "Fine," I say, getting into a fighting stance. "But don't cry when I kick your ass."

"As if someone like you can even take down a world-renowned sidekick like him," the clone says, getting into a fighting stance.

"World-renowned sidekick like him?" I repeat, staring questioningly at the clone. "The bastard can't even put away his own laundry without complaining."

I turn my attention to the two boys in front of me to find a not-surprisingly, confused Jon, and a blank-faced Damian. Damian squints his eyes at me and then points to the clone. "You take that one," Damian commands Jon. He then points to me. "And I'll take this one."

"Why can't I take that one?" Jon asks, pointing to me.

"Because you're going to die to this one," he answers.

"How do you know?" he asks, staring at me. "That one doesn't look that hard."

My ears perk up at his words. "Let me fight him," I tell Damian. "I'll make him eat his words."

Jon stares at me and quickly averts his eyes to the clone. "I think I'll take this one instead."

"Good choice," Damian says, charging at me. "Don't hold back!"

With the smirk still planted on my lips, I jump back, leading us into the darkness. Mid-way jump, I turn my body so that my back faces Damian, and I begin to run. I run through the human test tubes, trying to get away from Jon and the clone. I jump up onto one of the human test tubes and begin to hop my way from one to another with Damian on my trail.

Looking back, I find Jon and the clone having an intense battle. Jon is being merciless with his heat vision yet somehow making sure not to fully harm the person.

As I'm watching the two of them, Damian finds his way in my peripheral view, a blank emotion writes itself on his face. In the dark, away from Jon and the clone, I abruptly stop, standing atop of a human test tube, emitting blue light from the contents inside. I turn around, facing Damian, who had stopped his movement on the human test tube before me. "So?" I ask him.

He stays silent, glaring at me. "I want to believe that you're the real one."

"What's stopping you?" I ask him.

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