Living Room

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Bruce's P.O.V.:

Leaving the kitchen, I walk straight towards the stairs to the second floor in search of our guests. Walking past the twins' room, then Dick's, Jason's, and finally Tim's, I head for the guest rooms. Reaching the first guest room, I knock on the door and open it, not waiting for a response. Opening the door, I find Lois on the bed, typing away on her phone. "Writing a paper?" I ask, walking into the room.

"Yup," she says. "Does the title 'The Mysterious Wayne Twins' sound newsworthy? Or 'The Playboy Finally Settles Down' with a question mark at the end?"

My eyes widen at her abrupt confrontation about writing a story about me and the twins.

"Eh. Who cares. They'll read it either way if it's about you, right Bruce?"

"Lois," I warn.

"Relax, Bruce," she chuckles. "I'm not going to publish a story about you or the twins," she reassures. "I'm just going to keep it in the drafts. I call first dibs."

I chuckle, shaking my head. "Sure, Lois. Just make sure I look like the good guy."

"No one likes a story about the good guy," she says, flipping her hand. "They want the juice, the spice, the tea!"

The bathroom door swings open, revealing Clark with my clothes on while drying his hair with a white towel. "Why do you have my clothes on?" I ask him.

"Got some paint on me," he answers as he begins to clean his glasses with the white towel. "I also didn't have a spare change of clothes. Thought you wouldn't mind." He put on his glasses and looks in my direction, showing a smile.

"So what you're telling me is that it took you a little over two hours to get rid of just some paint?" I ask.

"Jon ended up taking a shower before me," he explains.

"I highly doubt that he took two hours."

"Hey," he defends, putting his hands up. "That paint was hard to get off. I don't even want to know what Oliver is going through right now when I had that much difficulty." He tosses the white towel into the laundry basket, rejoining us. "So, I hear that you're trying to get first dibs," Clark says with a smirk on his face towards Lois."

"It's official, Clark. I have the paper finished, and I have Money-Bags' permission," she says, gesturing her hand towards me.

"Money-Bags?" I ask.

"Well, you can't publish it first if I do it before you," he challenges.

"Hmph. Test me one more time, Clark" she warns him, pointing at him. "And you'll be sleeping on the couch for a week."

Clark's eyes widen, his gaze quickly snapping towards me. "Help me out here, Bruce!"

I cock my eyebrow at him. "What the hell do you want me to do. I don't know anything about women," I tell him. I turn around, leaving the room while waving him off. "Call for my help when you need to fight some interdimensional alien, then we'll talk." As I'm leaving the room, I quickly peek my head back in. "Gather in the living room." With that, I leave them questioning my words and continuing with their lover's quarrel. Walking past Clark's and Lois' room, I head towards where Oliver is supposedly cleaning himself of the paint. I knock on the door and let myself in.

Entering the room, I find Dinah leaning against the window sill while staring at her phone. She looks up at the sound of the door opening to find me standing here. Turning my head, I find Hal, laying on the bed, throwing a small green ball made from the light of his ring.

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