Punishment Time Pt. 2

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Demetria's P.O.V.:

I may have scared the adults around me and possibly permanently disabled Father. But that's okay because now I know for sure that I'm the last child that Father will ever have.

We have all finished pelting the ping pong balls at the victims. The white tarp is covered with splatters of paint as the grass below us is littered with puddles of paint and ping pong balls. The six males in front of us are covered in splatters of paint from head to toe. They each clutch their bodies in pain, hunching over in pain. Damian is gripping his arm in pain, while glaring daggers at Jon. Tim is currently sitting on the ground, staring up at the sky, his face showing signs of pain. Jason is currently jumping up and down, trying to get the pain to stop, while Dick is beside him doing the same. Queen is at the end of the line, covered in paint and large red marks on his skin where the balls have made contact. He's not moving, paralyzed by pain in his spot. As for Father, he's currently on his knees, clutching his private part in pain, hunching over.

"Demetria," Father groans out, lifting his head. "Out of all the places, why there?"

If you were to look at each of the boys, you would see that they all have a perfect, visible, indication of where the ball had made contact. They were all hit in multiple spots, except for Father. I decided to test my aiming, and it did not fail to impress. Sure there are splatters of paint on him, but one place where I had hit him numerous times, is where he is currently clutching.

"Wow, kid," Jordan says. "You showed no mercy."

"At first, I was against having Jon pelt me the balls. But now I'm grateful," Damian says, mixed emotions expressed on his face as he stares at Father.

"I would've rather had Clark than your sister," Father responds.

"It can't be that bad," Jordan says. "She probably just got lucky."

"Would you like to try?" Father says, darkly.

"Why would I—"

"He would love to!" Queen says for him. "Get your ass over there, Hal!" Queen runs to him and drags him over to Father. "Move, Bruce." Queen looks at me with a serious look. "Don't hold back! Hit him as hard as you can!"

"Why?" Jordan asks. "What did I ever do to you?!"

"You pelted me with ping pong balls!"

"That's part of the punishment!"

"Jordan," I call out, grabbing a ping pong ball from the grass. "Shut-up and standstill."

The other boys around him begin to slowly walk/crawl away. "Hey," he says towards me. "We can talk about this, right?"

I glare at Jordan with a smirk on my face. "Sure," I say. I wind my arm back and drop the ping pong ball. Hitting the ball with all my power, the ball hits the bullseye. I watch in approval as Jordan yelps out in pain as the ball makes contact with his groin. Bouncing off of his body, the ball hits the ground as his body hits the floor along with it.

"Line up boys!" I yell out, ignoring Jordan's constant whimpers of pain and the look of horror on every single one of the male's faces. "It's time for the arrows!"

"This, I definitely have to do," Harper says out in happiness, grabbing a bow. "But can we have real arrows?" he asks, picking up an arrow that has a cushioning pad for where the sharp metal piece should be.

"Are you trying to kill me," Jason exclaims, going back to his spot near the tarp.

"Sadly not," Harper says, testing out the string tension on the bow. "This one's for Oliver."

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