Punishment Time

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Demetria's P.O.V.:

After the boys had finished placing all of the items into the large box, Father had taken me and Damian into his office to scold us. For a whole hour, was him scolding us about how wrong and messed up our actions are. But if we were ever to pull that stunt again, we should at least do it when we don't have a bunch of guests over. He said some other things, but I wasn't really paying attention. Getting scolded for a whole hour is something I don't have the attention span for. All I know for sure is that we're allowed to do it again, so that's fine with me.

Leaving Father's office we find everyone making their way to the backyard. Everyone is carrying items towards the back with smiles on their face.

"What's going on?" Father asks.

"Something about punishments," Jon says, carrying a huge jar of colorful paintballs in his hands.

"Dick's punishment or Oliver's?" Father asks the younger boy.

Jon shrugs his shoulders with uncertainty. "Beats me. I was just told to carry the colorful balls."

"Tell me why they told the eight-year-old to carry a large jar of paintballs while they made me carry a basket full of hair dye?" Jordan asks, raising the basket in annoyance.

"I don't see the problem here," Damian says.

"I'm Green Lantern damn it! I can do far more than the tiny kid!" he complains.

"Except shut-up apparently," I deadpan.

"I will squish you, kid," he threatens.

"Father," I say while pushing Jon and Damian towards the kitchen and into the backyard, "please choose your friends wisely, and I'll choose my next victims just as wisely." I glare at Jordan and slowly turn my attention forward.

"Get over here you brat!" he yells behind us.

"Is he always like that?" I ask out loud.

"Who? Hal?" Allen asks as he's passing by us.

"Yes," Damian answers. "The irritating green glowstick."

"He's always like that," he says, placing a white tarp onto the green grass. "But you get used to it." Allen quickly runs back into the manor, nearly bumping into Father and Jordan.

"Watch it, Barry!" Jordan yells, in the direction that Allen had run to.

"What do we even need these hair dyes for?" Jordan asks, placing the basket of hair dyes next to the tarp.

"To dye-hairs?" Jon answers. "Isn't that the purpose of them?"

Jordan opens his mouth to retort but quickly closes it, going tight-lipped. A look of annoyance and slight defeat appears on his face. "I give up," he says, putting his hands in the air. "Is there anything else I need to bring?" he asks out loud, not talking to a specific person.

"We need the metal beams," Tim says from near the pool. "They should be in the storage room, near the gym room."

As Jordan makes his way back into the manor, I look over at Father with a surprised expression on my face. "We have a gym room?"

"You didn't know?" Father asks.

"I was in a coma," I point out. "Remember?"

Father hums in realization, instead of any verbal words.

"So," Jon interrupts. "What's with all of the white sheets and the metal beams," he asks, pointing to the white tarp on the ground and the green, flying, metal beams.

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