Furries and Snowballs

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Demetria's P.O.V.:


"This is the worst punishment ever," I growl, crossing my arms.

"Oh shush, Demetria," Lois says with a smile. She holds the camera up and takes a picture, looking through the hole, with a smile on her face. "You look adorable."

"I feel betrayed," Damian growls. "This is impractical." Damian looks down, grabbing the fabric, and scowling at the material. "I refuse to continue this nonsense!"

"Relax, Demon Spawn," Jason says.

"I thought you were against this too," I point out, turning around to face the massive man.

"I was, at first," he says. Jason steps away and puts his arms out. "But once I put it on, I've realized how comfy it is!" He sticks his pelvis out, swinging side to side. "It's roomy and allows a lot of breathing space!"

I cock an eyebrow at the man, questioning his mentality. Not a second later, as Jason continues to swing side to side, a hand goes over my eye, blocking the view of Jason.

"Jason!" Tim yells. "Not in front of Demetria!"

"What is he doing wrong?" I ask Tim, turning my head to him while still blinded.

"She doesn't need to see you swing your fuckin' dick around!"

"That wasn't my intention!" Jason retorts.

"Bruce! Jason's showing Demetria things she shouldn't see yet!" Dick yells out.

"Tch. Pervert," I hear Damian scoff from behind me.

I reach up, pulling Tim's hand out of my eyes. "I'm fine," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Hey, guys!" Lois says, snapping her fingers. "Let me take more pictures of you guys."

"Tch. No," I whine. "I want to take this off!" I begin to attempt to take off the clothing, only to be stopped by Tim holding my arms back.

"She'd be cute with this on," Dick says, putting the hood over my face.

"Awww," Lois says in admiration. "You look so cute!" The constant clicks and flashes of the camera begin, the non-stop embarrassment heading our way.

In front of the Christmas tree, we all stood taking multiple pictures—me, Father, Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian. Damian and I stand in the front as the rest of the boys surround us. Dick and Tim stand behind me as Father and Jason stand behind Damian.

"Say cheese!" Lois says.

"Cheese!" Tim and Dick exclaim.

"Fuck the cows!"

"I hate this."

"Why, cheese?"

"Why can't we do this normally?"

We continue to stand in front of the tree, staring at Lois as she continues to take pictures of us in these embarrassing outfits. Despite Alfred not being here, we are still fearful of his wrath. He had forced us all to wear matching clothing to which Dick had called them 'pajamas.' We're all wearing an oversized, light-red, fluffy, animal clothing. Attached to the cloth is a hood with what seems to be triangles that represent cat-ears. On our backs, located on the area of where our tailbone is, is a little tail, protruding out of the, what Dick calls, 'onesie'. The onesie covers our bodies from head to toe, only allowing our hands and faces to be free.

"Father," Damian complains. "Why must we wear these horrific clothes?"

"I'd rather wear this than be scolded by Alfred," Father answers. "Now, turn around so we can finally end this whole picture thing."

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