A Game of Poker

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WARNING: May cause extreme confusion and loss of brain cells. Read at your own risk. Rules of Poker are still questionable.

Demetria's P.O.V.:

I'm going to be brutally honest, I have no idea what the hell is going on or what I'm doing.

The moment Father had left, Queen had decided to take charge and decide that we play on the living room table. Jordan, Lance, and Allen had decided to join us. We sit on the floor with Queen across me, in between Lance and Allen, as I sit in between Jordan and Allen. All of the other guests decided to sit on the couches, surrounding the table to watch us or help Alfred prepare for the party.

Before we begin, Queen takes out a deck of cards and begins to shuffle them. He and Lance put on a pair of sunglasses with a smirk, as Jordan and Allan begin cracking his fingers and neck. Watching the grown adults preparing themselves for the game, I just watch in confusion, questioning Father's friend choices.

"So let's go over the punishment," Queen says, shuffling the cards. "Between you and I—" he points between us— "Loser has to give up whatever's in the bank account, right?"

"Can your account even match up to Father's?" I ask.

His eyes widen. "Hey! I'm a multi-billionaire too! I can match it! Hell, I'll even raise it!"

"Oliver, don't be stupid," Lance says, putting a hand on his arm. "How about just bet thirty-million instead of doing the whole account?"

"It's up to him," I answer. "I'm using Father's account."

"Sixty million plus using you as target practice," Queen proposes.


"Sure," I answer, shrugging. "Doesn't look much of a shot anyway," I comment, staring at him.

"Alright!" Queen says happily. "Hey! Take that back!"

"Tch. I only speak the truth."

Taking a deep breath in, he continues. "Then the punishment is running to the store for condoms in undergarments and being pelted by paintballs—"

"For the loser between the two of us," I interrupt.

"That wasn't part of the deal," he complains. "It was supposed to be between the five of us."

"They're already betting," I retort, crossing my arms and motioning towards Allen, Kent, and Lance. "Just let them lose their money. They'll lose their dignity along with it, so it doesn't matter. You'll just have your dignity and ego taken away, along with your money."

"But that's not fair!"

"Scared you'll lose, Queen?"

Queen stiffens up. "Of course not," he growls. "Not to a brat like you."

"Bring it on, rich boy."

"Do you know how to play?" Allen asks as Queen begins to hand out small circular chips, of the colors white, red and black.

"No. Never even heard of the game, Pocker," I answer, placing my chips in front of me.

"It's called Poker, kid," Jordan deadpans.

"You know, kid," Queens says, twirling a chip in his hand. "It's never too late to back down."

"You should keep that in mind for yourself, Queen. I don't back down from a fight."

"Okay so to play, you need to—"

"Don't explain it to her Barry!" Jordan says, interrupting her. "I'm trying to get my money's worth!"

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