Sugar And Gifts

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Demetria's P.O.V.:

Everyone is now in the large living room eating the large abundance of desserts that Allen had bought. Well, everyone except for me and Damian. We're back in our spots at the bottom of the staircase with a ravenous Jon by my side, inhaling the large stack of desserts he had managed to take before the speedsters.

"Tch. Can't you eat with some decency?" Damian asks, looking at Jon in disgust.

Jon snaps his head towards Damian with cheeks filled with cake. "Decency?"

I chuckle, as Damian groans and rolls his eyes. "Nothing, Jon," I tell him. "Just continue eating."

"Why aren't you guys eating any?" Jon asks us. "It's limited."

"Limited?" I ask him. "Allen practically bought a whole store."

"Yeah," he says. "But a whole store isn't enough to feed a whole group of heroes, plus three speedsters." He points to West and the two Allens who are standing near the kitchen doorway, running in an out of the room with new stacks on deserts in their hands every few minutes.

"We're fine," I say, petrified by the actions of the speedsters. "We don't eat a lot of sugar anyway."

"But you guys didn't have anything sugary today," Jon says.

"Soda contains sugar, Jon," Damian deadpans.

"First name basis?" I whisper to Damian.


"You guys should at least taste the ice-cream cake. It's good," he says, taking a bite of his own semi-melted ice-cream cake.

"Yeah, you guys should." A few feet away from is Jason approaching us with plates of ice-cream cake in his hands. "Don't think about it too much," he says, handing us each a plate.

"Jason," Father calls. He walks towards us and cocks an eyebrow at me and Damian. "Don't force the twins to eat sugar. They struggled with orange juice when they came here. And they still do."

"Really?" Jason asks, surprised. "But they had a milkshake and some cake at the diner." 

"Devil's Food," I tell Father. "It's practically sugar-less. And the milk-shake, we had to throw it out. We didn't finish it."

"You guys can't handle sugar?" Jon asks us.

"Tch. Of course, we can," Damian retorts. I can feel his ego being deflated just by his question. He instantly takes a bite of the ice-cream cake and continues to eat the whole thing until it's gone. He finishes the cake with a loud sigh. A slight sigh of regret.

"Dami?" I ask. "Are you okay?"

He inhales deeply and softly exhales. "Why wouldn't I be?" he asks, staring at me.

"Do you want another slice?" Jason asks, slightly amused.

"I'll get myself another slice," he says, getting up from his spot on the stairs and walking towards the kitchen with an empty plate.

"And how about you, Princess? Gonna eat the cake?"

I look down at my plate and back up at Jason. "This is practically social pressure," I tell him, glaring at him.

"I'm just asking if you're going to eat it," he says putting his hands up in defense.

I give in and take a bite of the cake. It's cold, sugary, yet good. "Not bad," I whisper. "What's in it?"

"It's just vanilla ice-cream at the top and chocolate ice-cream at the bottom. Then, in between the two flavors is chocolate syrup and crushed Oreos. And of course, frosting."

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