Unleash The Clone

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Demetria's P.O.V.:

The three of us walk up to the occupied human test tube, staring at its contents in awe. I take a sharp breath in taken aback by the person inside.

"How did this happen?" Damian asks.

"Woah," Jon whispers. He walks closer to the human test tube and turns around so that he faces us. A small smile appears on his face as his eyes widen in excitement. "It's you!" he exclaims at me. "That's cool!"

I'll admit that it is indeed a specimen that looks a lot like me, but it's hard to comprehend that there's something else that looks like me besides Damian. It being 'cool' is an overstatement. Not to mention, it's wearing a replica of our Robin suit. But how would they know what our uniform is without encountering us?

"Don't touch it, Jon," Damian says.

"It's fine," Jon insists. "It's stuck in this tube thingy." He begins to tap onto the glass with his knuckle, a loud prominent crack sound occurs as he does so. Jon slowly turns his head to see the massive crack that had just appeared on the tube. "Uh-oh."

"Back away, Jon," I tell him.

Instead of doing what I had told him to do, he touches the crack that he had just made on the tube. With just a soft touch, the glass breaks even further, the blue water, slowly spewing out of it.

"Jon, move!" I yell.

Out of fear, Jon jumps back, hiding behind Damian and me. The three of us slowly back up, watching as the cracks become larger, and the leaks become more fierce. The whole tube breaks, causing us to jump back. The sound of glass breaking and water forcefully flowing enters our ears as we watch the lifeless body within the tube fall onto the ground.

"Is she dead?" Jon asks, peeking his head over our shoulders.

"I don't know," I answer. "Dami, go poke it."

"You want me to poke her?" he asks.

"No," I answer. "I want you to go poke it." I stare at the lifeless body and slowly walk up to it.

"No," Damian says, putting a hand out in front of me in an attempt to stop me in my tracks. He walks ahead of me without another word and crouches near the figure.

Jon pushes me forwards as he continues to peek over my shoulder. "Is it alive?"

"No," Damian says while putting two fingers to the figure's neck. "I can't detect a pulse." He stands back up and walks over to us with his back faced to the figure. "Whatever they were trying to do," he says, turning his head towards the lifeless figure, "it wasn't a success."

"It would've been cool if it did," Jon comments.

Damian and glare at him, not finding his displeasure, amusing.

"Sorry," he mutters.

"Well," I say out loud. "It's something. It looks like Luthor's trying to replicate heroes in robot and life form."

"But why?" Jon asks. "And how does this whole thing relate to that non-bot thing you guys were talking about?"

I reach into my utility belt in search of the circular device withholding the documents. Finding the device, I pull it out, pressing the middle of it. The documents project themselves out of the device, scrolling through the many pages of confidential information. As it scrolls itself, I begin to read the information. "According to this," I tell them, "It's something called Project JLR. At first, they tried to make clones of the League, but all of those ended up in disasters."

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