Punishment Pt. 3

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Demetria's P.O.V.:

Punishments are nearly finished. Now all that is left are the paintballs. I grab a paintball gun and begin to load it. As I'm loading my gun, the other guests that are interested in shooting the vulnerable men in front of us, begin to either grab an extra gun and load it or grab a few paintballs, attempting to use their powers instead of the weapon. I fully load my gun and make my way to Queen. "Ready Queen?" I ask him, aiming for his crotch.

"Woah. Woah. Why me?" he complains, covering his crotch with his hands.

"You lost the Poker game, remember?"

"Can't you shoot someone else?" he asks. "Preferably your twin brother, or something."

"It's not as fun if it's my brother," I answer.

"What's the difference between shooting me and shooting your brother?!"

I aim for the middle of his chest. "You give a better reaction than him." I pull the trigger, not a second later, knocking the wind out of the older man.

"Kid," Queen grits out, rubbing the area that I had just shot him. "That hurt."

"Demetria," Dick says, wearily. "What's the pressure on that gun?"

"Uhh." I aim at Queen once again. "Normal," I answer unsurely, shooting Queen in the shoulder. "I think."

"Demetria. You should lower down the pressure on that thing," Father says.

"You guys get shot by bullets every night," I say, waving them off. I aim at Queen once again. "I'm pretty sure you guys can handle a few paintballs." I pull the trigger again, hitting the bullseye.

Queen falls to the ground, groaning in pain. "But they never aim down there!" Queen argues. He continues to groan in pain, rolling side to side.

I roll my eyes at the man. "You're not going to die," I comment. Oliver Queen, the CEO of Queen Industries, who also happens to be the hero, Green Arrow, is currently rolling on the green grass, covered in paint and large bruises. Sometimes it's hard to believe that these guys are the world's greatest heroes. I sigh out in disappointment as I watch Queen continue to roll in pain as the guys next to him let out short grunts whenever their hit. "Stay still, Queen," I tell him, aiming for him once again. "I'll make this end quickly." As he stops rolling and looks at me with horror, I begin to pelt him with paintballs non-stop. The whole backyard area is filled with his screams of pain. It doesn't stop, until all of the paintballs have left my gun.

Queen now lays on the ground with his chest facing the sky. He breathes heavily, trying to endure the pain. His body is littered with paint, his boxers are no longer a galaxy color with a cat, instead, it's a galaxy color with different colors of splattered paint fo where that cat should be. "Bruce," he calls out to Father, who is hunched over, trying to catch his breath. "Does she get that ferocity from you?"

"Yeah right," Jason scoffs. "That ferocity's from her mother. She and Damian have Bruce's stubbornness."

"Well either way," Queen sighs out. "She's freaking crazy." He points an accusing finger at me.

"You're the one who agreed to do this," I point out. "The crazy person here is you."

"Are we done with these punishments?" Dick complains. "I just want to sleep now."

"Not yet," Harper answers. "Oliver still needs to run to the store and buy some condoms for Bruce."

"That's the weirdest sentence that I've ever heard," Dick grimaces. "And I've met the Joker."

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