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------ One Year Earlier ------

There was a gentle knock at the door.

"Come in!" Penelope called from behind her desk. Her office was big and spacious, decorated with heavy wooden furniture and a number of tall, potted plants. A large fish tank occupied the space opposite the desk, the filter filling the room with a constant buzz. The entire wall to the left of Penelope was just glass, allowing her to see over the city of London- that was, when she wasn't busy trying to protect it.

Darron walked in, an uncertain look on his face. He closed the door behind him, and then continued to walk until he was about a metre away from Penelope's desk. He stood with his hands behind his back.

Penelope stood up from her office chair, expecting bad news.

"What is it?" She asked, heart racing.

"Ma'am, it seems as though Doctor Geralds has been dealt with." Darron said, not breaking her gaze. His eyes were a deep blue- unnaturally so.

Penelope frowned, and blinked once, battering her long eyelashes over her emerald eyes. She wasn't sure if she'd heard Darron right. "What do you mean?" She asked, after a moment of thought.

Darron nodded, and smiled a little. "Doctor Geralds is no longer a problem, ma'am."

Again, Penelope wasn't sure how this could be so. They'd been watching Doctor Geralds for years- or, at least, they'd been trying to. Ever since the first incident, about a decade ago, where he'd attempted to replicate the Argent Eye creation process. Of course, it had backfired miserably- all he managed to do was gather the wrong kind of attention from some very important people. For a long time, he fell off the radar. People thought he'd given up. But then a couple of years ago, he'd been spotted in London, near Greenwich. Our attention was brought to the area after a number of unexplainable stabbings took place, all with no murder weapon to be found.

As it turned out, Doctor Geralds was far more advanced in his experiments than anyone had anticipated. Things were not looking good. Plans were being made to destroy him and his work, however Darron was making it sound like someone else got there first.

But who? An army? Perhaps a few Dreamwalkers?

"How so?" Penelope finally asked, tucking a strand of her platinum blonde hair behind her ear.

"An Argent, ma'am." Darron said. "A powerful one."

"Who?" Penelope asked. "Do we know them?"

"Yes." Darron said, then paused. "It's the girl- the one who defeated Haydn."

Penelope was intrigued. She sat back down in her chair, looking out the window in thought, and smiled. She was, perhaps, a little smug.

"It seems as though you were right, ma'am." Darron said. "Her motives are good. Twice she has risked her life for the Argent cause."

Penelope looked at Darron, suspicious but also amused. "You doubted my judgement?"

Darron's mouth quirked up at one corner. "I suppose I did- I thought Haydn was just a fluke. That she was just at the wrong place at the wrong time, and dealt with it because she had to."

Neither Darron or Penelope had heard the full story of how Haydn was defeated- only that there was a girl who had power over all the elements. One who was, obviously, very powerful. Everything they'd heard, however, were rumours. Hearsay. They were oblivious to the fact that this Argent girl was more than just in the wrong place at the wrong time, but had unknowingly interfered with Haydn's plans.

Penelope chuckled, but didn't question Darron anymore on the matter. "I would like to meet her." She said.

"Unfortunately, ma'am, she is still in education." Darron said.

Of course, they were obligated not to interact with anyone still within the educational system. Not only were they usually too young, but even those at university deserved a chance to finish their studies without the knowledge of such an organisation. It would be far more beneficial to approach them when they were finished and seeking employment.

Penelope looked perhaps a little disappointed, however she quickly hid the look. Darron probably wouldn't have even noticed. "Is she at university?" She asked.

"Part way through her final year, yes." He said.

Penelope seemed happy about that. She was glad that the Argent wasn't still at school, otherwise she could have years to wait. Although, it would have been doubly impressive to have a school child defeat two of the most powerful men in Argent history.

"Any intentions to continue studying?" She asked.

"Not that we know of, ma'am." He said.

"Good." She said. "Let me know when she finishes. Then we can arrange something."

"Yes, ma'am." Darron said.

There was a moment of silence.

"Will that be all, ma'am?" Darron asked.

"Yes, thank you, Darron." Penelope said, and with that, Darron nodded and left the room.


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