20th August 2020

38 2 0

Thoughts about you, they don't come everyday.

It's not like I think about you every second.

It doesn't hurt me constantly like some other things do.

But when I do get reminded of you, it does make me breathe a little less easier.

I got final examinations for my second semester in a few more days and I am not at all ready. I don't wanna face it. I don't want to move on. I don't want to stop or to forget. And I may be procrastinating and this has nothing to do with that but sometimes I just want to know that you'd be there even if you're not really there, you know?

I saw a tweet about letting go; how understanding that we co-exist with some people and we have to accept the fact that we're not close with them anymore and I just kept thinking, what if I don't want to accept it? What's the worst thing that could happen? Me knocking at your door begging you to come back into my life? Me crying randomly thinking about knocking at your door?

And finding you at the same spot, holding the door open slightly, telling me off and slamming the door shut?

I just hate that I miss you.

It's hard for me to admit this but I really do.

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