Why We Fight

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high hopes // kodaline

I remember it now, it takes me back to when it all first started

But I've only got myself to blame for it, and I accept it now

It's time to let it go, go out and start again

But it's not that easy


"I'll see you guys later!" I laugh out, waving at my newest friends. Who knew, Hayden, Tony and Beck would be so enthralling. Instead of heading out to lunch with them, I decide to hang out with Daniel. I absolutely need to tell him the news. So far, this clean slate thing has been working out so well. I mean even if it hasn't been a whole twenty four hours of the new me, I feel better than before.

"It's nice to see you happy, Lorena." Daniel admits, glancing back to his computer. He reads a new notification and types quickly on it. Once he's done, he grabs his lunch and puts his feet on his desk, his way of giving me his whole attention. Classic Daniel.

"Thank you." I smile kindly in appreciation. Daniel is wearing a dark navy collared shirt, and navy pants. He reminds me of a certain someone. DI. I wonder where he's gone. He hasn't openly stalked me in days. "How's the field trip rounding up to?"

Yes, you heard me. A field trip! Daniel has been trying to organize one for the longest time in order for it to take place after midterms. I am beyond psyched. Daniel frowns, running a hand through his hair. He sighs. Uh oh, this doesn't sound good.

"The budget given from the school board has been cut and so it looks like we might not have one after all." I pout, seeing the ever-so jubilant Daniel exhausted makes me despondent. He returns a sad, small smile to me. "It'll be fine though, I promise that I will make it happen."

"That sounds more like you." My mood immediately lightens, aware that he still has his insanely positive vibes. I have faith that he'll get us on a bus to California Science Center in Los Angeles. He's persistent and never backs down. "I don't care how many fundraisers we do as long as we go, okay?"

"Thanks, Payne." He gives me a blown up smile that I enjoy seeing him wear. It's nice that he's happy even if times are rough. I know he's been staying up late recently due to figuring out this field trip plan and it's a good thing that our AP class is small, or else it would've been nearly impossible to assemble. "How about we have a little study sesh before fourth period starts?"

"Okay." I say, startled by his proposal. He really seems to be trying to make up the whole after school tutoring thing yesterday. We didn't do much and I guess he's trying to prove that tutoring isn't that bad. Maybe he wants me to go back and honestly, if Beck and them are going to be there, I'd go. They're really fun and I've received enough positive input that I see that tutoring isn't that bad. In fact, I don't see why more people don't go. Though, that's just my judgement from only one meeting.

"Ready?" Ryder holds out his arm for me to take as I meet him after school. I hesitantly do so, ignoring the feelings from within me strangling to get out. I take this as a weird affair between the two of us. His old self is showing through that disguise of a cool, carefree guy. I wouldn't have to be blind to be able to see that Ryder is anything but insouciant.

"More than I'll ever be I guess." My unsure response causes him to frown. Just like Daniel, Ryder is never pessimistic. Though, maybe his reason is because he is a hero. Parallel to his speciality of saving the day, he has the ability to stay positive even when everything goes wrong. I admire that about him.

Ryder drives his car skillfully, seemingly knowing it's good and bad parts. Our drive is short, the scenery isn't particularly special. By the time we walk inside, the umpa lumpas greet us, eyeing us down. I guess my sister's college sweatshirt and leggings is very contrasting compared to the formal wear surrounding me. Ryder doesn't look too well either, he's only wearing a forest green vest with his long sleeves. Though, Ryder strolls with confidence, and takes my hand as we head down the corridor. The Mayor should consider giving us badges or something, so we wouldn't have to be asked or looked at differently.

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