*Chapter 4*

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"How was your first day of school, baby?" Mommy asked me chopping a cucumber for the salad. I scowled not wanting to talk about the mean guys and the cookies. I could at least tell her the good side.

"I made 2 friends. Steve and Kyle. A boy and a girl." I said pointing my two fingers up to her face. She smiled looking proud at me. "Mommy is proud of you." She stated washing her hands in the sink.

After cooking, we all settled down on the dining eating the delicious meal mommy cooked us. Mashed potatoes. After dinner, I washed my plate ready to sleep. I ran to my room shutting it. 

I stepped into the bathtub to take a cool bath. The cool water surrounding me and touching my bareback. I love cool baths. It helps me relax and relax my muscle. Not wanting to spend much time, I came out of the tub putting on my ducks PJ's. I brushed my hair putting it in a messy bun and laid on my bed. The cold air hit my skin causing me to shiver so I drew the blankets higher to my body falling asleep.


"Are you still angry at me? I'm really sorry." Steve regretted. I quirked my eyebrow at him wondering if he was worth my forgiveness. God said we should forgive. I pouted closing my locker and turning to face him.

"On one condition. You have to answer my questions." I told wrapping my hands to my chest. He nodded frankly budging on his spot.

"Why are those guys mean?" I asked gloomily. He regained his posture turning around to meet my face.

"I don't really know. They are not that mean. But Hendrix is the meanest one so far." He told. I swilled. I don't like that Idea.

"Who is Hendrix?" I asked, softly.

He shrugged.

"Do you remember the guy who called you Disney princess? He's Hendrix." He said and there's no way I'm going to forget him. I nodded clutching my bag and proceeded in going to my first class which was English.

I was late. I unlocked the door dropping my head down and blushing from embarrassment. They were all looking at me.

" To your seat, Aurora." Mr. Pan warned. I walked to my seat clutching hold of my bag and putting it down. But something caught my attention which was the mean guy who threw my cookies.


I removed my gaze from him sitting down back on my chair. He was sitting at the back of me which I didn't like one bit.

The class went by pretty fast. I was tired and yawned most of the time when I'm sleepy. The school bell rang implying that class was over and it was exercise time.


I ran to the changing room to change fast. I like sport but mommy told me not to participate in any because sometimes, I ran short of breath when I run. But it's not like I was going to run. I'll just sit, watch and learn. 

I changed into my P. E outfit. I like it. I planted my hair into a ponytail and ran to the gym. The coach was talking to a student in a harsh tone when I got there. Some students were seated talking among themselves. I ran to take a seat but someone pushed me away letting me to fall on the floor.

"My spot." She spat. I almost felt like crying. Everyone was laughing at me that I fell. I look laughable to them. I wipe the small tears that ran down my cheek standing up. I turned around only to hit another chest causing me to fall again on the floor.

Now, I couldn't hold back my tears. I cried harder. My butt hurts.

"Look at her. A crying baby. She's can't even maintain her balance. Why is she even here?" Someone bickered. I sniffed holding back to hiccups. I was thirsty. 

"I hate her face." Someone whispered. Then the hall turned silent. Whatever it was that made it quite I didn't want to know. 

"Aurora!" Steve's voice called. I heard his footsteps approaching me. He knelt down on one knee bringing his hands to cup my face. 

"What are you doing on the floor? Why are you crying?" He asked wiping my freshly new tears. I shook my head.

"She belongs to the floor. Obvi." The same girl said aloud and everyone started laughing. I couldn't control it anymore. I burst out crying into Steve's chest. He started stroking my hair.

"It's okay. Let's get you away from here." He whispered softly. I nodded sniffing loudly standing up with the help of Steve. My eyes peered into the floor. I don't want to look at anyone's faces right now. We started walking while some people scattered removing the attention from me. 

"What are you doing with her?" He said in disgust. I held back the tears that cautioned to fall again. I had to be strong. 

"Please. Let her just stay with us." Steve said touching Hendrix's shoulder. I felt his stare burning my face. Why is he staring at me?

 I looked up from my feet to face Hendrix but I met his cute puppy eyes. I could stare at them forever. I scanned his face looking at his straight nose and pinkish lips. His eyebrow was fuller and thick with the sharp jaw. I frowned when I saw that dark black drawing on his arm down to his hands. I also loved his hair.

"Whatever." He said bumping into my shoulder purposely breaking the staring contest. Steve still held my hand helping me to their seat I presume. I scanned the gym looking for Kyle when I spotted her talking to a girl. 

"I want to talk to Kyle," I whispered touching my tummy. Steve released my hands so I was free. I ran to Kyle hugging her. She was a girl and was also nice. I felt safe around her.

" Oops! Aurora. What a pleasant surprise." She said hugging me back. Her friend smiled waving at me. I shyly waved back.

"This is aurora and aurora, this is Katie." Kyle introduced. I agreed smiling shyly. 

"Hey, Aurora. You have a pretty name just like in the Disney  cartoon." Katie said smiling at me. I blushed looking at my feet.

"Th..anks." I shuttered playing with the hem of my skirt. I held Kyle's hand so I followed her to her seat. It was next to Hendrix's but I don't care. I know Kyle will protect me. 

We started with some warm-ups. I started stretching my arms, legs and arms. 

"Disgusting." I heard Hendrix said. I looked at my body. My skirt was rising higher and almost showing my...

I blushed putting it down bouncing away from him.


Sorry for the late update. Hope this makes up for it.

Take a doughnut 🍩🍩🍩 and give me a heart❤️

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