Chapter 6: A Clumsy Start to Making Friends ( Maybe a Red Herring at Dinner)

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Last to leave the limo and pausing to finger comb hair and straighten clothes, Stef stretched up to full height and ambled through the elaborate entryway of the mansion, taking note of the beautiful flowers, the butterfly garden, the statuary and fountains and waterfall, and Koi pond.  "The flora and fauna will be drastically different for the rest of the year for me.   Well, there's Polynesia to look forward to.  I guess I should hurry in."

The murmur of voices and low music led Stef to a pair of large elaborately carved pocket doors halfway opened to reveal the banquet hall of large round tables.  Towards the back of the room, a crowd was congregated around an open bar.   An elaborate salad and pasta bar set up was on the opposite side of the room from the bar, and that was where Stef spied the desired stranger.

A young guest could be overheard having an animated conversation in fluent French with the chef about the Kombu salad and preferred kelp dishes.   At least that is what Stef surmised when reaching their side.  The younger one was wearing one of the pale turquoise expedition polo shirts, received by everyone through Fed X last week, with instructions to wear to today's events. This was someone not seen at the barbecue earlier in the day.  This was the person Stef was certain was a Cousteau.  "Has to be.   Slightly aquiline nose.   Dark penetrating eyes.   Slender frame.  Tan complexion.   Fluent French.   And, young!   Must be... This is my chance to introduce myself.  Just do it."

Stepping forward and smiling, "Hello.    I'm so relieved to see another younger person on the expedition.   I'm guessing we are the two 'junior scientists' team members and I wanted to come over and say 'Hello' before dinner."   The gentleman wearing the white jacket and toque, picked up a platter and backed away, leaving the two scientists to get acquainted.   "Dad hinted . . . that I'd find someone onboard . . . representing the Cousteau clan.   And, . . . as another member of a clan with ties to early exploration of the seas . . . I'm happy to meet you."   Stef, agonizing by the stilted introduction just blurted out, sees the startled look in the eyes of someone wearing a "Hello.   My name is MYKA" name tag.

After an extended awkward silence as the stranger considered the unusual comments, "Hello. I'm MYKA  and who are you?"   A twinkle in the eyes and a bemused smile helped Stef relax just a bit.

"Sorry about my forwardness and saying too much.  Just nervousness."  And, in a lowered conspiratorial voice, "I don't think anyone was close enough to hear.   Everyone seems pretty busy over there by the bar.   I know everyone was told to use made up four-letter names and not pry into ANY one's personal business and I'm sorry I was so celebrity-struck I couldn't control myself.   I promise not to do it again.  Your secret is safe with me.   Oh, and I'm Stef.  I mean StLF.   I should go get the name tag because otherwise no one will understand what I'm saying.   I'm spelling it S-t-L-F but pronouncing it "stealth".    It's just my initials but I like the sound of stealth better and I chose it to honor a distant ancestor who was pretty stealthy.  Well, it is a pleasure meeting you and I'm just gonna get the name tag.  Forgive me for running off at the mouth.  People usually say I'm very quiet.  So, this is very weird for me.   But I hope we'll get along well and this expedition will include lots of opportunities to work together.  So, I'll go get my tag."

With that, Stef took three steps back and bumped into a middle-aged woman wearing a name tag labeled MBER.   She must have just approached at a fast pace.  She seemed to appear out of nowhere!  "Oh! Please excuse me.  I didn't see you there.   I'm so sorry.   Are you okay?  Yes? Good.   I was just hurrying to get my code name tag before dinner starts."

Walking away and sighing, "What was with all my head jerking and flapping my hands?  Why am I so nervous and clumsy!  So much for Mom's talking about fresh starts and good first impressions. . . Don't beat yourself up.   You've spoken to only two people at this dinner.  You didn't spill her Coke.  They are still smiling.   Everyone is nervous.  This is a big event.  You earned your place on this expedition.  You are smart.  You are likeable.  You are hardworking.   Show respect to others and they will respect you.  Calm down!  At least they got your name tag right.   A small 't' after the 'S'.   That had to be explained when the form for the official badge was submitted.  The official badges and extra polo shirts with embroidered logos are already onboard with the other gear, I hope.   Well look at that!    Another name tag with a change to the rules. NCLE with a bar across the top.  Like a word game.   Oh, I get it.  Barnacle.   I'll bet it is "barnacle".  I've seen some with numerals.  N8AN and JSON and DRNO.   I don't know if that's for Drano or Dr. No.   The guy wearing that one looks like some kind of Asian spy and that would fit, but he's probably a very nice Korean American or South Korean."

"Here's an interesting choice- BACH. Maybe that's the spy!   The Grisham/Clinton book Dad had read had an assassin called that.  Right near the beginning of the book, Bach left the airport as a five foot nine redhead and changed into a five foot five brunette while in a specially equipped vehicle.  I wonder who will pick up that tag.  My imagination is out of control.  Probably a music lover chose that code name.  Wait, the Grisham book character loved classical music.  That character was eastern European.  I should watch and see who claims it.   I've been told that there are more than a dozen nationalities among the ship's crew and scientists.  Our own little United Nations."

Each table's centerpiece consisted of a grouping of flags representing the participant countries along with ice sculptures that seemed to be melting fast.  How appropriate.  "Oh, look a place card for StLF is right next to one for MYKA and on the other side is the one for MBER.   Another chance to redeem myself with these two.  Just go slow.  Be glad you are surrounded by people who seem to know English very well.   MBER seems to have a Southern or Texan accent.  Kind of reminds me of Kathy Bates.  Oh wait.  She was in the Titanic movie.  Good omen? Bad omen?  Well, her character survives, so I'll go with good omen.   At least she seems friendly, even chatty.   So maybe I can just smile and nod.  And, everyone is approaching the tables, so smile and be polite and take your seat."  Stef noticed with pleasure that MYKA was wearing an identical 4ocean recycled conservation bracelet.   Something to point out later.

"The dinner was delicious and only a few crew members were introduced and asked to say a few words.  Captain "Barnacle Bill" made a few gruff comments about safety and expertise in sailing the Seven Seas.  He seemed distracted, preoccupied with other things.   Maybe just nerves about getting things ship shape for the morning launch.  The chief scientist spoke a bit too long about personal qualifications and confidence in having a very successful voyage based on the chief's many previous successes.  We were told that itineraries and schedules and assignments would all be made when we made it to the open seas."

With that Stef closed the lap top and settled into an upper bunk.  Mom and Dad would be glad to know that everyone onboard seemed eager to get the expedition underway.   No mention made of the awkward meeting with MYKA.  Only positive messages would be sent to Mom and Dad, and there was no one else, not even family friends that Stef would feel comfortable contacting. Just before drifting to sleep, Stef realized that in the excitement of getting acquainted at the banquet table with MYKA, all thoughts of watching for BACH had been forgotten.

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