Chapter 78: Comparing Notes

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Stef was glad the long lecture had come to an end.   As interesting as the diversity of squid is, it was hard to follow when worrying about the motives of other passengers sharing this ship.  Stef wanted to have a little chat with a friend who had become a good sounding board.  Stef had been meeting and confiding with Robin, at least twice a week, for months now.

Robin, glad to have meetings with an adult who didn't talk down and with one who brightened each day of an anticipated rendezvous, listened patiently as Stef recounted each day.

The admissions of lack of confidence had been revealed slowly.   Only one or two complaints at a time.   Robin was not a therapist.  No need to risk becoming a nuisance to be avoided.

"It was embarrassing.  All I wanted was to get acquainted. . . I don't know what they are saying behind my back . . ."

"Some of the foreigners seem to have their own agendas . . . The deep vents were not as we expected to find . . . I'm surprised by the lack of scientific knowledge of those two . . ."

"It seems like the lap top is closed every time I approach . . . There seems to be secrecy everywhere."

"Oh, I didn't mean to sound like our secret is bad.  Ours is justified."

"By the way, how are you doing?   Are you keeping up with your school work?   Has Uncle Bill shared any news of your family with you?"

This time, Stef wanted to share the upsetting accusations of the day.  "These North Koreans have me rattled.   I have no idea why they are part of this expedition.  I am scared.   I wish I knew if they are trying to sabotage our scientific research, and why on earth they would want to do this.  I know I've mentioned my concerns about these two before.  I don't mean to worry you.  I'm sure that now that the cell phones have been confiscated, your uncle and the chief scientist will get to the bottom of it."

"I guess this is upsetting me far more than worrying about MYKA's honesty.  I just obsess about the way so many topics are taboo.  It is so nice to have a friend who is listens to me go on and on and reserves judgement.   MYKA shuts down so many of my theories and refuses to answer so many questions.   I'm afraid I've become overbearing.   Poor MYKA.  Probably wishes we never teamed up.  Thank you for listening and meeting me so often.   I  would be beside myself without you to ease my mind.  So, what do you think about the North Koreans?"

Robin gazed into Stef's eyes.  "I have a confession.  I have been spying on them.  Ever since you first told me about them.  They come up to the bio lab every night.    I found out that they were meeting up here by accident.   Remember when we met to work on the homework assignment on my lap top a couple weeks ago?   I set it down to pull up the panel in the storage closet and forgot to pick it back up.   I realized it and after Uncle Bill was back to sleep, I went back up to get it.   I heard them walking in and setting up their computers. They were pretty loud.  I listened for about an hour from behind the storage cabinet.  I've been coming up every night at 2:00 to see if they're having a meeting.  They would discuss and type or text.  Then they would put their electronics away and go grab a snack before leaving.   They never stayed more than an hour."

"Last night I took their cell phones when they took their usual break, and I put them in a bag I saw Dr. MAHA  using in the lab late the other night.   I think she left it by mistake under her desk.   I hoped she would read the entries.   Written Japanese has a whole lot in common with Korean.   I should know.   I can speak, read, and write in the Korean language."

"By the way, the Chief and Uncle Bill told me tonight that I did the right thing and Uncle Bill is forgiven for sneaking me on board.  But, I'm still a secret and Uncle Bill has to lock me in his cabin each time he leaves.  He doesn't know about my secret passage and I plan to still use it.  He thinks I slipped out right through his office door.  I didn't mention knowing you.  I hope we can still meet.  But I don't think I can risk more than short visits."

Stef's jaw dropped.  "How on earth?   When could you have learned all of that?  Why didn't you tell me?"

"My stepfather is Korean.   He and Mom married before I was two.  They wanted me to be bilingual.   Mom knows it fluently, too.  You didn't ask."

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