Chapter 15: Theories about the Big Bang Theory Among Others

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The two also shared favorite episodes from the long-running series "The Big Bang Theory" which of course brought up a discussion about "Young Sheldon".

They agreed it was okay to have characters who reminisced about the awkwardness of their childhoods from the safety of having navigated to a point in life where they were surrounded by adults who practiced tolerance and an understanding of quirkiness without meanness, hate and malice.

But "Young Sheldon" faced the problem of most spin-off comedies.   It is hard to succeed in creating a show equal or better than the original show's premise.  Just name one.   And then MYKA and StLF both reverently whispered "Frasier" in unison and snickered at the odds of having the exact same response at the same time.  "Jinx!"   They really did have much in common.  They found that quite remarkable.   A first for both.   Then they saw the trend among their mutually favorite shows: humor at the expense of characters who seemed to "not have a clue" about anything two "well-rounded" intelligent scientists found obvious.  Both had egos supported by the "three 'E's": education, experience, and enlightenment.   Their superiority was being fed by the acceptance of each other.

They never considered that some observers such as studious but patient Dr. MAHA might find their swagger to be "off putting".   A little humility was due.   Privately, they each did feel some shame for finding reasons to laugh at ignorance brought on by being raised without the advantages they themselves enjoyed.   They were well aware that some areas of every community had places where people fell through the cracks.

Communities lacking diversity of thought, lacking properly trained teachers, and impoverished citizens without resources to feed their families and pay their medical bills, not to mention expanding their knowledge, had led to the conundrum of how to get a consensus on handling world problems.   The biggest world problem from which all others would only worsen was, in StLF's mind, the pressing issue called "Climate Change".

Oceanographers and meteorologists were among those seeing firsthand all of the results from changes of habitat, flooding and drought, changes in water temperatures, changes in sea levels. Research was confirming that climate change was real and happening with greater momentum. Every opportunity to do research in a substantial way was welcomed by scientists worldwide.

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