Chapter 92: Conversations with Sensitive Souls

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The nearly full moon enticed some to stay up on deck and enjoy the cold fresh air and camaraderie of scientists who enjoyed sharing highlights of previous diving encounters with Great Whites, electric eels, stingrays, and many interesting but deadly species of all sizes and colors and genus.   Nothing as unusual as the story shared by Dr. MAHA, who chose to not stay on deck with the other "foreign" members of the science research team.

MYKA eventually went down to the berths and found StLF reading a book found on the shelves of the salon.   "Oh, I see you are reading 'The River of Doubt: Theodore Roosevelt's Darkest Journey'.   I loved that book.   Candice Millard's books are all great, but that is my favorite.    I love all adventures that are true and take place in the Americas and have many unexpected twists and turns.   The Amazon certainly has those!"

"I suppose you read 'The Lost City of the Monkey God' by Douglas Preston?" sighed StLF, thinking silently of how "The Expert" always had a ready answer.   Another silent thought, "Oh yeah MYKA:  "Con" or "Cousteau"?  Who's to know?"

"Absolutely!   I love archaeology and medical mysteries deep in the jungle.    What an exciting read,and it has a lot to say about the true dangers of climate change.   You wouldn't catch me going into such a life-threatening environment!    I love reading about hair raising encounters, not actually experiencing them!   What's that look for?    Say, I wonder why the engines just cut off ..

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