Chapter 36: Back Story of the Steampunk Tales

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With the publishing of "The Steam Mapper" by online publisher "Steampunk Tales", the professor found Clark's short story and found a way to be connected to Clark Sumner Edwards.

The online magazine introduced each of the writers of that issue (#4) to the readers with a few lines of information.  Here is what they printed about Clark.

The Steam Mapper by Clark Sumner Edwards

Clark Sumner Edwards discovered the nineteenth century writers H.G. Wells and Jules Verne and found much pleasure in reading their works.  But, unfortunately, he also became concerned about these writers' predictive abilities as their stories often centered on inventions and discoveries that did not occur until fifty or more years had elapsed.   He also discovered and enjoyed the Science Fiction Masters of the early twentieth century whose predictive abilities were just as great.  Then came fascination with the non-predictive anachronisms.  He found it disturbing the Robert Heinlein's lunar prospectors used slide rules; a process Clark discovered is Satanically tedious.   He hopes that the mathematic topic of 'complexity' will soon provide an understanding of the phenomenon of 'emergence'.   His favorite writers:  Kilgore Trout and Euphonyious Durango.

(Stef's dad learned that Clark had sent his sister a copy of his story as it appeared in Steampunk Tales as an attachment in a personal email.   His sister downloaded it and printed it out.   She has the contract Clark signed with the online zine.   Stef is uncertain if it is possible to include it in this online version.   Find it online!)

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