A Diver's Guide to Stealth Journeys with the Steam Mapper

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As you read, you may see recurring themes, and similarities between different events. What are the ones you saw?

StLF and MYKA are different personalities with common interests. What do they have in common? How do they differ?

How would you describe the main characters in ways not shared in this story? Do you relate to either one? Why?

How many television shows and movie titles did you find in this book?

How many book titles did you find in this book? Have you read any of these books? Did you look up a synopsis on any of the books mentioned?

Did you learn of any trivia you had not heard of beforehand? Did you find it believable?

Did you find any scientific terms or historical data or descriptions of scientific equipment that was new information to you?

Did you verify that the science is based in truth? Or was it just fictitious nonsense created for the fun of it? What examples of totally made up did you find?

This story was created during a time of uncertainty of what direction the United States was headed regarding Climate Change, and dealing with North Korea, and rebuilding from very destructive hurricanes and earthquakes. Trying to keep current events included but having some vagueness to the future outcomes made for some open-ended themes. What do we now know is different from the way this story predicted its conclusion?

Do you think bringing in an adventure that doesn't seem plausible, and more like the science fiction of Jules Verne's Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea was a good way to add to the imagination of possible future scientists?

The Steampunk story about "The Steam Mapper" was really written by Clark Sumner Edwards, but of course he never met the fictional characters supposedly related to Ned Land and Sir Steven Payne. He was inspired by his interest in other science fiction writers. And his story inspired this writer.

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