Chapter 17: Hatching a Plan

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"Well. . . Uncle Bill is very disgusted with Mom.   He says his little sister should know better about traveling abroad.   He asks me questions and I can't answer them.   All I know is that their mission was to save people.  They have many religious friends world-wide but I don't know them.   Uncle Bill has tried contacting the State Department and embassies and consulate offices.  But we don't know where to start.   He says it is as though they've disappeared off the face of the earth."

Stef sighed.  ROBN's lower lip trembled while repeating Uncle Bill's remarks.  Uncle Bill clearly never had children of his own.  "He's being unfair to criticize your folks."  Time to change the subject.   "Is your code name based on your real name?  Mine is."

"Yes, my first name is Robin.   I made up my code name by myself."

"And, I go by Stef and my code name is made up of my initials.   I used St from Stef and L from my middle name, Land, and F for my last name Fulton.   My code name is StLF and I pronounce it 'stealth'.    Nice to meet you Robin.   I've enjoyed talking with you and I'll keep your secret.   But there is no way the captain can keep you hidden for the entire voyage.   I hope he gets good news about your folks before we leave the coast of South America.    I hate to think of you having to see the Galapagos Islands through port holes!    What do you do all day?"

"Uncle Bill asked me what courses I last took and he downloaded a bunch of stuff onto a lap top for me to study.  But I can't submit them and get feedback now.   He used parental controls.    I have no email.   I have no internet.   I have no cell phone.   I just have the old-fashioned stuff: movies and programs on DVD; games on cd- rom; books to read . . ."

"I don't want to get you in trouble with your uncle, but maybe we could meet again to play a game, or discuss the experiments.   Just a thought.   There is a little compartment close by the fire extinguisher, just outside the Captain's office.    I spotted it tonight as I was leaving my berth suite.   It looked like someone installed a new electrical box and failed to pop back the lid of the old one, so it would fit flat with the PVC paneling.   It has a little lip for easy removal and a totally empty space about the size of a deck of cards.    We could put messages in it.   I doubt anyone has plans for it.   It is barely noticeable when it is popped in place.   We could stay in touch."

Robin gave a grin.  "That sounds cool.    A hidden compartment.   How fortuitous!"

Stef grinned back. "Yes.   I never imagined how I could use it.    I've always been observant at spying things out of place, or not replaced correctly.    I have a compulsion to make things right and a curiosity to look inside any container.   So, I'll check tomorrow night and see if you found it.   Or, if you like, I'll walk you back to the office right now."

Robin considered the offer.  "Thanks, but I found a secret way that takes me directly from Uncle Bill's bedroom closet to a storage area just outside this lab.   The ladder steps are steep and the space is tight but I can handle it.   I don't know if big folks like you and Uncle Bill could squeeze in.   It is a narrow opening behind Uncle Bill's clothes closet.    I like having my own secret passage way.   Like in an old castle.    I like secrets!"

Stef watched Robin step into the storage closet, swing up a panel and crouch into the opening. Just before grabbing two rails, the new friend gave a thumbs up and mouthed "Goodbye" and stepped down allowing the panel to swing back in place.

Stef stood in the entry to the lab.  "Three a.m. and wide awake again!"  Deciding to take the main ladder back to the sleeping quarters, worrying of a storm raging outside, and hoping Uncle Bill was still occupied with keeping the voyage safe, it was time to lift back onto the top bunk.

The bunk area filled with sounds of a concert of snoring, confirmed that others were sound asleep.  "Robin called me 'big'!   Tall, yes, but I'm no heavyweight, thank goodness.  Now I have two new secrets to keep from everyone else.   I already had my own secrets.   How complicated.  The Voyage of the Secrets sounds like a movie title."   Settling to sleep was difficult while aware of the storm brewing outside, and of trouble brewing for Robin.    Finally, a troubled mind was able to drift off to sleep by playing a movie title version of a word association game invented by Dad, the cinephile.   Drifting asleep, sailing away.

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