Chapter 91: Journal Jottings

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Stef thought of the pages in the back of the journal.  During quiet times, Stef listened to the playlists that Mom and Dad had sent along for relaxation.  Mom's playlist included songs by the Partridge Family.  Mom and her musical sit-com bands.  As a preschooler and kindergartner,  Mom had a crush on David Cassidy.   As an adult, she even watched reruns on "Nick at Night".

When David Cassidy died, Mom played all of her favorites, over and over.   Some of the lyrics were co-written by David himself.   Some were quite poignant.    Stef could identify with the lyrics.   Some were written in the back of the current journal while thoughts lead to daydreaming.   Stef began to think of what was written.   Too personal for MBER's eyes.    Oh, no.   What was MBER thinking about StLF?

As Stef had listened to the David Cassidy playlist, certain meaningful phrases were jotted down in the back of the journal.

"I've been alone too long.   That's all that's wrong with me.   I want to build you a dream. ..Paint you a sunrise.  Write you a beautiful song.   But I don't know how.   I've been alone too long."

"Friend and Lover" :  'Cause I'm only a friend and I wanna be your lover.  Caught in a landslide, feel like it's low tide.   Well I swallowed my pride, but you still can't discover that I want to be your lover."

Stef had developed a crush on MYKA  sometime early in the voyage.   The time together on the fantail watching bio luminescence which almost seemed like fireworks exploding in the waves. Scuba diving together in the Galapagos Islands.   When MYKA  reached out and tapped Stef, it was to point out the playful sea lions approaching, but to Stef it was a rare moment of physical contact.  MYKA  had been flattering and attentive and engaging in lighthearted conversations.   It seemed that the attraction went both ways, but Stef had been reluctant to risk breaking the spell with direct questions about where this was leading.   Both had boundaries to be respected. Stef could be patient.

And then the overheard conversation between "Chief" and an anonymous distant caller, had Stef feeling unsure about MYKA.   The foreboding idea crept in that the impostor might be MYKA who had always seemed a bit too perfect and a bit too secretive.   When that person had asked to remain incognito because a "Cousteau" would like to be spared close scrutiny and constant unwanted attention and questions, well, it all seemed logical to Stef.   Rehashing the unanswered questions about MYKA's behavior was now compounded with knowing that MBER had read the notebook and formed opinions.

What other songs were jotted down that might be setting off alarm bells with MBER?    David Cassidy's rendition of "For What It's Worth" by Stephen Stills of Buffalo Springfield was a favorite song of Stef's.   Stef had been pleased to recall all of the words when adding it to the journal. That had been a late entry when the fear of being attacked by a ferocious beast had been on everyone's mind.

"There's somethin' happenin' here . . . But what it is ain't exactly clear. There's a man with a gun over there . . . telling me I got to beware. . . . I think it's time we stop, hey, what's that sound . . . Everybody look what's goin' down.   Paranoia strikes deep. . Into your life it will creep ."  Stef stopped thinking about the lyrics and began once again thinking about MBER and the menacing tone of her voice.

Dad had always warned Stef when putting out the campfire, "Always watch out for embers.  One ember can cause a conflagration.  No telling how much damage one ember can do."  Now, thoughts of how much damage a personal journal can do in revealing innermost feelings.   Ouch. And, StLF had included all sorts of notes about ROBN and the eavesdropping and the taking of the cell phones.    "What would MBER make of all that?   Does she believe that nonsense about ROBN being an imaginary friend?   Will she really keep all of it to herself?   Will she speak to the captain or chief scientist about this mention of Robin?"

"Wasn't the most important concern the survival of the expedition?    Perhaps Robin's stealth of those old Samsung Galaxy 7's wasn't such a smart idea.   And putting them with papers belonging to Dr. MAHA?   What if she hadn't had that chance to see their contents or the anonymous note tucked into the zippered bag holding their rechargeable battery packs?"

"What became of that note?  ROBN was a thief.   But 'the end justifies the means'.   Right?  The North Koreans were on a dangerous mission aboard their vessel and with that evidence Dr. MAHA may have alerted the ship's captain and the Chief Scientist.    What did they do with those cell phones?   What other items did the Chief Scientist collect from the North Koreans?   Why did Stef get nervous just thinking about the unknown information on the Korean devices?   Why did approaching the Chief Scientist always make StLF feel inadequate and not deserving of being part of the research team?   And why had Stef confided in MYKA so much?    And, who was MYKA, really?"

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