Prologue: A Decision to Gather My Journals and Gather My Thoughts

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The inquiring minds of like-minded scientists have throughout history led to new discoveries as friendships are forged.  A complicated voyage transports two young scientists across the seas and through time, as they share their histories and theories.

Even as our friendship grows, we have much to learn from our fellow scientists.  And everyone had a lot to learn, as the seas stirred up trouble.   No one onboard knew what complexities were in store for us.   And, not all complications can be resolved as soon as desired.   Isn't that always the way it goes?

I shall try to retell my experience, and much later, I will no doubt try again.   After all, I am a scientist and not a journalist.   (Well, I write personal journals.  So I suppose that makes me some kind of journalist.  But I don't presume to be a great writer.)  Getting down facts as I remember them, in a most thorough way may be boring to people not interested in all the history I now know .   Trying to explain all of the details on the evolution of squid and trying to remember to use layman's terms is a challenge.   In my mind, given the "breaking news", I can't help but wonder, who wouldn't want all of the details discussed by the people who shared my time as our voyage reached the bizarre unforeseen interruption? 

But this time, I'm telling it while it is fresh in my mind, although I may recall events out of order from time to time.   For now, I'm telling it in third person, which seems strange even to me, but I'm trying to distance myself.    I am still seeking resolution to my confusion about what was going on with my companions.   So part of this recounting will be facts I learned and observed, and part will be about how new friendships took unexpected turns.

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