Chapter 11: Captain Bill's Quarters

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Stef and MYKA agreed that visiting the ship's captain would be a good start in getting acquainted with the crew and found him in his cabin office on the first day.   A wall of shelves, referred to as the ship's library caught Stef's attention at once.   Clearly the captain was well read, having complete collections of Patrick O'Brien and C.S. Forester.   Sailing adventures were prominent.   But there were also true stories by Erik Larson about infamous storms and man-made disasters such as the sinking of the Lusitania during the Great War.   The limited wall space also displayed certificates, including an elaborate one with King Neptune and mermaids. 

Stef wished for a closer look, noting that the name emblazoned on it was "William Edward Board".  Already, Stef was thinking of nicknames and jokes to share with MYKA later.  "The captain has WEB feet!  What messages does Bill Board advertise?  Does "Barnacle Bill" have an abrasive side?  Are all of the events of this journey the ultimate responsibility of the captain?  As in, their success is all  on Board."

Among the books on the packed shelves sat a copy of Delilah , by Marcus Goodrich.  The novel was praised by James Michener in its 1978 reprint.   Stef's dad had learned of it when he met up to purchase an ancestor's journal in St. Petersburg, Florida years ago.   The book was extremely popular with seamen crossing the Pacific during World War II.   The realism of the book prepared many with the brutality of war and educated them in numerous ways about life aboard ships.   Stef couldn't wait to have a "book chat" with MYKA  later and find out which books they'd both read.

During their chat with the ship's captain, (an affable, garrulous type), he gave Stef and MYKA  a bit more insight into the Chief Scientist's background.   Having as a single parent successfully  raised two children to become Annapolis graduates, Chief had credited running a "tight ship" as the necessary means to the end of having two children launched into successful careers.

Stef couldn't help but compare Mom and Dad's much more relaxed parenting.   "I haven't turned out so bad if I must say so myself.   And MYKA's  boarding school experiences didn't seem to have been a hindrance.   I guess there are many types of parenting that can result in producing capable, contributing adults.   Maybe it's more "nature" than "nurture".   Or maybe resilience and a good mentor can make all of the difference."

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