Wamuu's sparring center

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(this is a request from Tumblr)

For the pillar man gym one, does Wham also run a little corner for sparring and MMA? Considering his warrior spirit, I think that's pretty likely...

-Yes, you are completely right!

-Wamuu does have a sparring center, however, it is nowhere near his gym because he needs a lot more space

-and he only has it open three days a week since the gym is his main focus

-When the sparring center is open, he teaches and demonstrates how each kick and punch is supposed to go

-He makes sure that everyone spares with someone that is in the same rank as them

-However, if you are feeling strong enough, he'll even let you go up against him

-Of course, you won't win, but he does praises you for your determination

-Kids can also come to the sparring center

-He believes that children should learn how to fight at a young age

-He is very encouraging and makes sure that children are respecting each other

-If the two of the kids are arguing or something

-He will make them fight in the ring (with boxing gloves of course)

-Even the center is really busy, 

-Wamuu would bring Esidisi to come and help him

-Esidisi usually attends to the children since they are the rowdiest and energic
at the end of the day, his center is all about encouraging and positivity

-and foul play will not be allowed

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