yandere pillar men x fem. belly dancer s/o

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Request: How would the pillar man react if they came upon a celebration that involved belly dancers like the old days when the Arabs had kings and would have belly dancers all the time and harems.

Or they see a woman belly dancing for a fun renaissance fair and take a liking to her. Would they kidnap her or fight for her or share her?


-He would kidnap you the second he finds out that he likes you

-This is a new feeling for him, so he would keep seeing if you are his mate or if he was just giving in to his feral desires.

-He isn't big on sharing, on rare occasions he will share you with Esidisi, but he will be present the whole entire time.

-He will fight for you only if you didn't put yourself in the situation

-For instance, if you tried to run away and so be were flirting with you or making you very uncomfortable, he would only come safely you if they tried to have sex with you

-The same goes for if you got into a fight with some while you were escaping, and you were beaten severely. He would wait until the person or people stop hitting you before he kills them.

-Then he would scoop you up and tell you how lucky you are to have him and that you could have been dead if he didn't step in.


-he first saw you dancing, he was intrigued

-The way your hips moves to the beat of the drums was something so hypnotizing and intense that he couldn't help but want you

-As soon as the festival was over and you were heading to your tent, he knocked you out (without hurting you too bad) and carried you off into the night

-He would share you with Kars and Wamuu sometimes, but not alone because you are his

-Sometimes he would ask you to dance for him and the other pillar men to show you off

-And you better dance good or he will make you start over or he will make you dance in front of the whole vampire army.

-He would fight for you only if you deserve it

-Just like Kars, if you did it to yourself, then you will handle it by yourself

-However if you are doing what you are supposed to be doing and someone or something is messing with you, then he will burn them where they stand.


-He's probably the only one that won't "kidnapped you" per see.

-He will get to know you first and see if you are a possible mate. After you two get to know each other pretty well, then he will invite you home for dinner.

-This is where his plan kicks in

-As soon as you arrived at his home, he took you to the kitchen where he had a candle-lit dinner ready.

-Everything was going until you drunk the wine. You thought that you were just under the weather as your vision began to get blurry, but you knew Wamuu had something to do with it by the way he smiled before you blacked out.

-He is not one to share, but if his Masters asked him for you, he has no choice but to give you to them because he is too loyal to them.

-He will not share with Santana because of how brutal he can be.

-As far as fighting, he would protect you with his life without any hesitation.

-If ANYONE ever attacks you, he would kill them and bring their head to you as a trophy.


-He will take you as soon as you make a nice gesture towards him

-He doesn't get that very often, so he keeps you by his side so you can only be nice to him.

-He has taken a liking to your belly dancing clothes, so he will only let wear those no matter the weather is outside.

-He WILL NOT share you with anyone

-You are his and his alone

-He nearly lost an arm when he fought Esidisi because he touched your hip and thigh

-As for fighting, there will be no need for that since he keeps you at arm's length of him all the time.

-If anyone looks at you, he will just send them a glare that sends them running.

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