Explaining Valentine's day to the pillar men

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Request: having to explain Valentine's day to the bois?


-he thinks it stupid
-you humans always are making "special day" for everything
-however, since you are the one telling him about it
-he will indulge in this Valentine's Day with you
-...for research purposes only of course *cough* he enjoys it *


-already know about it and has the entire day planned
-if there is anything else you wanted to add to the fun day you two are going to have
-then tell him
-he won't hesitate to try it out


-he thinks it ...strange
-why are you deitcading one day to your to your mate
-when you are supposed to love them every day
-(he's a sweet boi)


-Just like Kars he thinks it's stupid
-but you seem interested in it so...why not
-he did enjoy observing other people and how they act during this day
-so I guess it wasn't a total waste

Black History Fact:

Long before Barack Obama became the first Black president of the United States, George Edwin Taylor ran for president as a member of the National Negro Liberty Party in 1904. Though the journalist and a newspaper editor received only 2,000 votes, Taylor deserves to be remembered for his groundbreaking political run.

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