Santana x insecure chubby reader

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Santana loves your chubby body so much

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Santana loves your chubby body so much. He has been watching you for awhile as you would walk by from school or walking your dog. When he saw you, he saw how happy and caring you were in your everyday life.However this time was different, you were far away from home, and you were crying on the side of the rode in the pouring rain. 

He didn't know what to do to, but he had to do something.In fact he felt something he never felt before in all 12,000 years of his life, and he wanted to know what it was.You heard him walking over to you, but you thought he was just passing by, but you were wrong.He walked over to you,picked you up, and carried you out the rain into a big cave that he has been sleeping in. You didn't try to get away or scream because no one would hear you out hear in the middle of no where... it wasn't like anyone cared anyway.

 He put you on a bed of very soft pillows, furs, and blankets that he had picked out for you awhile ago.You sat there confused and scared as tears continued to fall from your eyes. "What are you going to do to me?" You asked in a quiet voice Santana picked you up and put you in his lap. "You cried. Why?"He asked as he put his arms around you.

You were quiet for awhile as you leaned closer into his warmth. No one has ever been this close to you. As you were sinking deeper into his heat, he nudged your side reminding you that he had asked you a question. You sighed as you began to tell him that most people didn't like you because you were chubby and not skinny like the rest of your rich model family. You were the disappointment in the family because you had more curves and plush than your five sisters and mother. 

They never let you in their photo shots because they say you are a too big to fit in the picture. You were always bullied at school and always called you pig and cow and many other hurtful names. You were out in the woods because your so called crush told you to meet him in the woods to confess his feelings to you,but he didn't show and it got to dark for you to find your way home.When you finished your story, he growled and held you tighter.He made a metal note to find your family and kill every single last one of them in the most painful way possible.As he held you, he noticed how soft and squishy your body was. 

He always imagined how your body would feel and he is happy with the results."S-soft..." He said as he put his head in the crook of your neck.You blushed as you tried to get out of his grip, but he held you tighter. " Stay...""Why are you being so nice to me?" He looked at you and kissed your head. "My mate."You heart stopped. "Why? I'm not pretty or skinn-oof!" You were thrown on the bed as he hovered above you. He tells you the first time he saw you that your body intrigues him so.He loves the way your soft body feels against his muscular body.He also told you that in his culture bigger women were considered more pretty and most likely to have stronger children.

Each time he told you what he liked about your body he kissed you.You smiled as he continued to tell you sweet nothing as he held close to him.As you two spent more time together, he showed you to the other three men, that came into the cave. The one with the purple hair didn't care too much about you, but let Santana keep you. The other two asked you a few questions which you answered from Santana's lap because he didn't want them close to you.They let you journey with them because of how obedient Santana was now. 

They even taught you how to fight so you would't be totally useless and weak. You never saw or heard from your parents or sisters, but that's okay. You were in a much better and exciting place with a loving mate and his "family" and you wouldn't have it any other way.

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