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Lauren knew no relationship was perfect. She knew couples could wildly fight for days over a simple misunderstanding. She knew important issues – parenthood, politics, religion – could rock the foundation of the most stable and solid of couples. People fought, apologized, and moved on.

Her relationship with Josh was far from perfect, but it filled with love and honesty. After her chat with Everett, Lauren shared her reservations about the financial means of moving in with him and his friends and her excitement to spend spring break in Minnesota.

While Josh understood and listened to her concerns about moving in together with patience, he had difficulty figuring out why she wanted to remain in the frigid Midwest than frolic on a tropical beach. Her constant reassurances that her intentions had nothing to do with Everett didn't stop his imagination from creating devastating scenarios.

Even though their minor disagreement didn't erupt into full-blown screaming matches, Lauren still didn't like the way they fought with terse words, resentful sighs, and obvious tension over the past week. To end the standoff, she decided to spend spring break in Florida with Josh and his friends.

Her logical reasoning told her other opportunities would be available unlike an all-expense paid trip to drink and swim under the sun. The sensible part of her also argued she was being selfish, jumping at any chance to make her dream true, when in reality, time was on her side. She needed to have fun while she still had a chance.

Knowing Josh would insist on paying for her, Lauren chose the most reasonably priced spring break destination from the hundreds of options he had texted over the past few weeks. She believed she could relax and enjoy the vacation if she knew it wouldn't be ridiculously extravagant.

With her mind made up, the thought of running around in a bikini for a few days sounded better and better, and she couldn't wait to tell Josh. Couldn't wait to see the look of surprise and joy on his beautiful face.

With April out of the apartment for a few hours, Lauren sat on her bed and worked on some sketches as she waited for Josh to drop by after hanging out with his friends.

She closed her sketchbook when she heard the front door open and close and Josh's footsteps head toward her bedroom.

"Hey," he said, stepping into her room and shrugging off his winter jacket. "Where's your ever-loving roommate?"

Lauren smiled. "She went out with some friends."

Unsaid words and tension filled the air, and she couldn't wait to clear it with her decision.

"Let's go to Florida," she said softly, looking up at him as he stood by the edge of the bed.

"Let's go to Minnesota," he said at the exact same time, holding her gaze.

"What?" they both said at the time and then started laughing.

Hopping onto the bed with her, Josh reached for the back of her neck and pulled her close for a sweet kiss that made her pulse race and smile with happiness.

"Let's go to Florida," Lauren repeated, leaning her forehead against. "Let's get naked in the sand."

Josh shook his head. "Nope. We're going to Minnesota and getting naked in the dirty snow."

She laughed, lightly swatting his chest.

"Seriously, Ren, I'm fine going to Minnesota with Ev. I'm sorry I've been such a dick about it."

"But you've had your heart set on a traditional spring break."

"I have my heart set on wherever you are."

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