n i n e t e e n

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MILD SEXUAL CONTENT -- somewhat minor -- just a quick orgasm and then an introduction to a very consensual sex party. Read the first part and then skip the second part of the chapter if you don't want to read the naughty sex stuff.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: So so so sorry for the long delay between Chapter 18 and Chapter 19, and I appreciate your patience and encouragement. I needed to take a self-imposed break and wait for the characters to talk to me.

Lauren felt like she was part of one of the romantic comedy movies that April loved to watch when Josh's sisters grabbed her hands and raced onto the football field, with her stumbling behind them.

From the very first touchdown in the first quarter, the Ravens dominated the conference game against the Warriors. The seats Josh's parents bought gave Lauren a good view of the action in a massive stadium that rivaled the one in Redwood. Lauren wouldn't be surprised if the game had been sold out considering the little breathing room she had as she and Josh's family navigated their way from the packed parking lot to the different seating levels.

The day before the game Lauren kept her promise to Michelle and spent half the day walking around a well-established art museum. Just as Michelle predicted, Cara and their mom bravely traipsed through several malls in search of spectacular holiday sales and their dad met with some old friends at a sports bar.

During their shopping spree, Cara thoughtfully picked up five sets of red matching beanies, scarves, and mittens and Heidi generously paid – despite Lauren's later offer to reimburse her – for the Raven-colored accessories. Although Michelle and Cara gave Lauren time and space to herself, they genuinely seemed excited to hang out with her as if they never had an older sibling.

In the final minutes of the game the Ravens would eventually win, Cara and Michelle begged their parents to let them and Lauren head to field to surprise Josh. Even though the idea never crossed Lauren's mind, she wasn't sure she even wanted to be part of the crushing celebratory crowd, but Josh's mom, Heidi, surprisingly approved and reminded her daughters to meet at the designated area that had been picked out before being seated.

What the fuck am I doing? she thought as the tiny twins bullied their way through the massive sea of other Raven fans dressed in various shades of red, players, coaches, and media personnel with microphones and camera equipment. How the hell do they expect to find Josh?

Just as she finished the question in her mind, the crowd miraculously seemed to part into two sections, creating a direct path to Josh who looked tired, dirty, and sweaty in his official uniform. But to Lauren, he looked hot as fuck, especially when a gigantic smile spread across his face as soon as he spotted her.

I'm in a fucking rom-com, she thought again, with a mix of semi-disgust and amazement as her legs automatically started running.

Jumping into his open arms and feeling him tighten his embrace around her hips, Lauren eagerly planted small kisses over his sweaty face. Once their lips connected, the world and all the background noise seemed to fade away, giving them mere seconds to cling to each other. As if the moment belonged to only them.

"Josh!" Cara screeched enthusiastically, interrupting their brief reverie and hugging him from behind for less than a nanosecond due to the dirt and sweat that clung to his uniform. "Bleck."

When Lauren's feet touched the ground, reality crashed around her with fans and players cheering boisterously, reporters attempting to interview key teammates, and the Colorado wind seeping through her many layers of clothes.

"I'll text you when I have a chance, baby," he said, leaning in to kiss her cheek and giving Michelle a side hug. "Love you."

"Love you," Lauren replied, her heart full of happiness, as Josh playfully slapped her butt.

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