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Something's wrong, April thought immediately after entering the immaculate and unusually silent apartment and scanning the living room and kitchen area for her roommate.

Even though they both liked to sleep in late, April expected to see Lauren and Josh either fucking on the couch or looking all lovey-dovey at each other.

Even a complete idiot could tell Josh was in love with Lauren, from the affectionate way he looked at her or talked with her. April suspected Lauren knew but was either ignoring or denying the obvious due to her own insecurities.

April genuinely liked Josh and his friends, especially Declan who was shy and sweet and crushing on Shawn, but like any normal best friend, she wouldn't hesitate to tear Josh from limb to limb and hide his body somewhere deep in the woods if he hurt Lauren.

Her exhausted body and tired mind screamed at her to take a long hot shower and then nap for a few hours, but April needed to make sure Lauren was alright.

She lifted a fist to gently knock on Lauren's bedroom door when it opened suddenly and Lauren yelped in surprise at April's presence.

"Holy shit!" Lauren placed a hand over her chest, hoping that would slow her heart rate, and took a deep breath. "I didn't think you'd be home this early."

"You OK?" Even if Lauren straight up lied, the dark circles under her eyes and the hardened look on her face told the truth. She was hurting. Something happened last night, and April immediately blamed Josh.

"I'll be fine," she muttered, lowering her head and looking at the floor.

"What happened?" April demanded with authority, placing her small hands on her hips.

Lauren shook her head unable to look at her roommate out of fear she'd burst into tears. "I'll be fine."

April closed her eyes, fighting the overwhelming urge to shake Lauren until she caved.

"Lauren, please talk to me," she said softly.

In less than three minutes, April's gentle demeanor transformed into a blinding rage. As April stalked around the small apartment, shouting and cursing, Lauren followed quietly, humorously wondering if steam would blow out of her roommate's ears. She had never seen April turn into a spitfire of fury.

"April," she said, with a sigh, leaning against the back of the couch. "I've got a meeting with my study group at the library, and after that, I'll be at the bar."

"You sure you're OK?" April asked, taking a deep breath to slow her heart rate.

Lauren shrugged. "I will be. Like you said, I'll put it behind me and move forward."

Damn, I am really wise, she thought, yawning and remembering how tired she and her body were.

Although she had slept with Tristan numerous times, April had forgotten how much stamina he possessed and how his sexual thirst equally matched her own. She actually blacked out after the last sweaty and magnificent round during the sex marathon. During the ride back to her apartment, April wondered why she didn't use Tristan for sex more often.

"Hey, what did you mean at the bar last night?" April asked, leaning against the kitchen island. "You said the fly didn't leave because of me."

"After you whispered whatever naughtiness in Tristan's ear, the fly fell apart at his reaction."

"His reaction?"

"Of wanting to take you right there at the bar and not caring who watched," Lauren explained. "I'm guessing the fly never got a reaction like that from Tristan, and that fact pretty much punched her in the gut. Had nothing to do with you being beautiful. It was about his emotions."

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