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Lauren and April leaned against a white wall, watching clumps of strangers walk in and out of the locker room and other people patiently waiting in the spacious and elaborately decorated hallway. A mix of high energy and excitement buzzed all around the stadium when the Ravens ran away with a victory over the Knights.

With the promise of free beer and food, Lauren and April cheered for the Ravens with other students in the third tier of club seating. Lauren didn't doubt Josh probably could've snagged higher-tiered tickets, but she didn't want to spend an uncomfortable afternoon with the wealthy elite.

Lauren imagined she and April would sit together, with a beer in hand, and chat during the game, shouting an occasional cheer. But after bumping into some familiar classmates, the cheering section turned into one big party, drinking, talking, laughing, and eating. Her throat even hurt a bit after yelling so loudly when Josh and Mikey each scored two touchdowns.

Having a genuinely good time and looking forward to another game surprised Lauren a bit. When the game ended, Lauren and April headed to the locker room area to meet with Josh, Mikey, and some other players for dinner before Lauren headed to work.

"I wouldn't mind going to another game just as long as Josh scored us club seating again," April said, shrugging into her black leather jacket. "I actually had fun today."

"Me too," Lauren agreed, with a smile. "They have an out-of-state game next Saturday, but the game after that is at home."

"I got a lot of compliments on my shirt. Remind me to thank Josh for the swag."

When Josh had returned to spend the afternoon with Lauren, he brought enough Chinese takeout to feed a family of ten and a gym bag full of unworn hoodies, T-shirts, and one football jersey with Josh's last name and number printed on the back. The jersey hung in Lauren's small closet, being saved for a special occasion.

Armed with sharp scissors and plenty of research on DIY videos and tutorials, Lauren and April spent their free time during the week refashioning the men's T-shirts into cute shirts that showed off their cleavage – Lauren even threw on a push-up bra for the occasion – and hugged their feminine curves.

"Yeah, I'm happy to have another warm hoodie for the winter," Lauren said, looking at the time on her phone. "I can't believe the amount of free stuff the players."

"No shit," April sighed, with a defeat. "But I know I would take advantage of it if it was me. Have you ever been to Juniper Crown?"

Lauren shook her head, knowing she wouldn't want to spend her hard earned cash at a highly reputable Italian restaurant, where customers didn't mind waiting an hour for a table and spending an average of twenty-five dollars a person.

"The restaurant reserved a special area for the guys – and us too. The guys will basically parade around the place, shaking hands and whatever, and we get a free meal without having to wait."

"I thought we were going out for burgers and beers," Lauren said, frowning at the notion of not being in the loop. Then again, she didn't ask Josh for details when he invited them to dinner after the game.

April shrugged. "That's what Mikey told me earlier this week. I heard the breadsticks are amazing!"

When Josh and Mikey finally stepped through the open doorway, swarms of people surrounded him, asking for autographs and selfies. Lauren watched with fascination as Josh talked animatedly with fans as if they were old friends that hadn't seen each other in years while he scribbled his signature on footballs, jerseys, and pictures.

Josh looked incredibly approachable – and seriously sexy to Lauren – wearing jeans and a simple long-sleeve blue striped shirt.

Small kids jumped up and down with enthusiasm when Josh smiled widely at them and immediately knelt down to be at their level. Lauren thought her heart would explode with happiness at the high level of cuteness – a hot guy with adoring kids.

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