0011 • Friends

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THERE I SAT, at the top of the Astronomy tower, looking over the view outside of the window.

"You'll regret this, Y/N!" That statement played in my head, sort of like a scenario that wouldn't leave me alone. It almost made me paranoid, that I flinched when someone touched my shoulder.

It's been a week since the incident, and we haven't talked since then. I was grateful, but kind of sad that our old talks were no more.

I looked down at my lap, that were filled with potion books, and History of Dark Magic. I sighed, heavily and exhausted as I remember our homework we had to do which made me want to pass out dramatically, as my head leaned back into the chair more, staring at the ceiling.

"Someone's bored." An voice called out, as I heard footsteps coming towards my area.

I quickly looked up, and saw Hermione with her study books coming, heading towards the chair that was in front of me.

"Hey Mione." I said, calmly as I offered her a small smile. I watched her movements as she sat in front of me, lazily smiling.

"Ron's been bugging me all day. He could be a pain in the butt at times." She said, as she leaned further on her chair, looking somewhere else.

"I get it." I agreed, as I lightly chuckled and put my right foot over my left foot, my sight set towards the window. I saw some people walking around outside, talking or reading in benches.

"Hermione.. I have a question." I said, still looking at the window.

"Hm?" She hummed, her voice barely responding, as she opened one of her text books. It was quiet in the Astronomy tower, nobody seemed to be here except for me and Hermione.

"What happened to Harry while I was gone?" I questioned, turning my head to look at her as I began to sit up from my chair.

She seemed to stopped reading, as she stared in front of her. Her face turned uneasy, while she placed a galleon as a bookmark of her book, to mark where she last read.

"How do I say this.." She sighed, as her hands rubbed over her face.

"He.. was calm about it. Too calm. Like he knew you were going to leave. He didn't lash out when Professor Snape told the class, but something was off about him. It looked like he was waiting for you through all the years. Though, I thought he moved on when he started dating Ginny." As she mentioned Harry dating Ginny, a knot formed inside of my stomach.

I sunken that feeling down, and continued to listen to what she said.

"-but when you came back, he seemed to be a helpless puppy again. " Hermione explained, as her hands did weird gesture that mimicked 'one thing to another'

I nodded to everything she said, and began to question many things. Maybe I should've listened to Draco, and his little warning he gave me during on of his tutor sessions. But, that thought became a lesser problem when I blurted out one thing,

"So, is Harry and Ginny still dating?"

Hermione hesitantly nodded, as she looked at me.

"8 months had passed through their dating experience. They seemed happy and very non-toxic. But of course, that wasn't enough for Harry." She said, as she rolled dark-brown eyes.

"Seriously, he is absolutely delusional at times. Never got that boy." She scoffed, shaking her head in disappointment. I nodded, agreeing with her.

I just needed the truth from Harry.

«Time went by, and Y/N was sitting by herself at the Great Hall»

I didn't know what I was doing alone in the Great hall, really. I just sort of found it relaxing and quite peaceful when there were no students roaming around.

I took in the schools scent, and exhaled as I opened my eyes.

But I noticed something wrong.

I felt another presence in the room, an uncomfortable and familiar one. My body was frozen, thinking a professor has found me alone in the hall. I prepared for the worse, but as I was about to think about it more, I felt a figures weight sit next to me, unexpectedly.

Like a normal person would do, I turned around and saw the person I least expected.

Harry's eyes were looking in front of him, not having any eye-contact with me. He was sitting casually besides me, his lands on his lap.

I silently gulped, and turned back. My back slightly arched due to the uncomfortable feeling I was getting as another person was here.

"How have you been?" Harry said, still looking ahead of him. His voice was calm, and showed a friendly side of him unlike his encounter with Malfoy years ago.

I tightened my lips, "I'm good." My hands played with themselves, as I examined the Great Hall, avoiding the side that Harry was on.

It was an awkward silence as we were just sitting. Though, I maintained a good posture to not let my guard down.

"Listen, I'm sorry for how I acted last year. I- wasn't really thinking in my right mind, and a lot of things were just fluttering in my head that I didn't think about your feelings." Harry admitted, as he turned to look at me.

"I miss our bonding moments, and hanging out with you. I just feel alone, and just want you back." He finished, as he turned his focus towards the chair in front of him.

I stayed quiet for a bit, repeating his apology towards me, in my head.

"Just want you back."

"I forgive you, Harry." I said, almost a whispered. The apology sounds sincere, so I decided to give him another chance.

"Really?" He questioned, happily as he turned his head to look at me again.

I nodded, and looked at him.

"As friends, right?"

I took out my hand for him to shake, as a deal sort of thing.

His face looked at my hand, and his expression was unreadable.

But a couple of seconds, he shook it.



ᴀ ᴘᴏᴛᴛᴇʀꜱ ᴏʙꜱᴇꜱꜱɪᴏɴ | Harry Potter ✔️ Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon