0045 • Time turner

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Y/N's POV:

I ate my chips very loudly when I was at my dorm. A satisfied crunch was heard when my posture was relaxed.

I hadn't paid any thought of it since I was in a very deep thought. Every thought caused me to be unaware of my reality, not even knowing if there was a knock on my door or not.

Tomorrow was the last day of the term, than it would finally be seventh year.

Shit, I thought.
The years pass on so fast, that tomorrow is my final day. I finally let out a breath that calmed my mind. I couldn't wait to lay in mu bed, forgetting my existence.

The thing was, that after seventh year, I had no clue what to do with my life. Either I want to go to an muggle job, or I would settle in working at Hogwarts.
Mostly everyone was going to work at Hogwarts, seemingly nobody had the smarts for a muggle school if their studies were only about magic.

My appetite slowed down, and I looked down at my salty fingers.

Hermione wasn't back from whatever she was doing. She told me that she needed to hurry, and telling her was wasting time.
I couldn't help but scoff. I hated not knowing. She would always tell me everything even if it was personal. It was our go-to thing.
I put my chips down, deciding not to eat anymore, wiping my hands on my jeans. The saltiness was grossing me out.

I rolled over on my back, grunting as I turned back and faced Hermione's bed.
I was very bored.

My eyes wavered over to her desk, and I saw a necklace sitting there. Untouched. It was shining through my eyes, as if it was enchanted.
My eyes furrowed, and I sat up. It looked like it was worth millions of bucks.
My curiosity ached inside of me, and I finally made the decision on checking it out.

I sat up from my bed, and walked towards the necklace, picking it up and examining it.

The necklace was pure gold, with a shiny round circle stretched. Inside the circle is what seems to be an hourglass.
I immediately recognize this fine piece of jewelry as the time turned, the one Hermione had for ages.

It was very fascinating to look at, my eyes in awe whe I rotate it to get a better look.
I could use this to get answers.

No. I thought, putting it down.
Hermione would definitely get mad at me without telling her.

The necklace was still in my hands, not knowing what to do.
It's just for a little bit, she wouldn't know.

I looked back at the turner.
It was like it was hypnotizing me in a skeptical way.

Fuck it, I thought.
I couldn't handle the resistance as I put it on.


"Well, what a surprise visit."
Harry said, his green eyes looking at his book.
Hermione's arms were crossed when she was glaring at him with her honey-brown eyes. Though, they seemed to grow a darker shade when she looked at Harry.

"Oh cut the act, will you? Stop trying to act like your the nice guy here while you've done some shitty things." Her voice threatened.

Harry looked up from his book, his eyes held innocence in them.

"Well I have no idea what you're talking about.
I haven't done anything wrong, as I am the chosen one after all."

Hermione's glare engulfed even more as she slammed her hands on the table.

"You dirty liar. I know exactly what you did!"

Harry cocked an eyebrow, a smile made its way towards his lips.

"Alright, so maybe I did do something-"

"Of course you did. Listen, I want you to stop whatever you are planning on doing. You and her broke up, and there is nothing you could do about it-"

"Alright, I'll stop." Harry's voice interrupted Hermione's rant, causing her to stop abruptly.


She looked up at him in confusion, looking at his features to see if he was messing with her.
But, to her surprise, he kept his stoic expression.

"Wait, what?"

"You heard me. I'll stop."

Hermione couldn't believe her ears.
It was that easy.
It seem too easy.

"What?" He asked, crossing his arms as he leaned back in his chair.

"You wanted me to stop, I'll stop."

"So I can tell everything to Y/N? And you won't even get mad?"

"I said, I'll stop. Not you can blabber what I did."
Y/N was a clueless girl, there was no way he wanted Hermione to tell her his plans.

"She deserves to know, Harry."

It was almost as if some tension erupted between them, when they stared at each other.
Anger to amusement.

"Well, you can try."

Hermione was tired of his blunt replies.
"What the hell do you mean?"

"I said, you can try telling her."
He sighed, his eyes closing.

"We all know she wouldn't believe you without proof."

"Proof that you made that potion for her? Proof that you threatened almost everybody on talking to her a few months ago?"

"I didn't threaten them.." Harry denied.
"I simply told them what I was going to do if they flirted with her-"

"Same thing!" She angrily said.

Harry shook his head, standing up. He had enough.

"Whatever you tell her, she'll immediately think it's lies."

He started walking away, leaving a confused Hermione.

"What do you mean?!"

Harry only smiled at her friends remark.


ᴀ ᴘᴏᴛᴛᴇʀꜱ ᴏʙꜱᴇꜱꜱɪᴏɴ | Harry Potter ✔️ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora