0030 • Anger

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SNAPE WAS a pain in the arse.

            He got in my last nerves throughout class. He's given me a hard time focusing with him by scolding me, and I wanted to throw myself out of Astronomy Tower during class. I never understood what the professors problem was, he always not a fond of Gryffindor's, which was unfair.

              I was striding with Hermione along the hallways, after a long day at wizarding school. As one of the classes, Professor Slughorn's class, Hermione was paranoid. Her hair was crazy. Apparently, she was having trouble with making one of the spells that Harry was able to do.

"I-I don't understand how he made it so easy. I swore I followed the directions of the book, yet!-" She rambled on, annoyingly disagreeing that Harry made a potion faster than her.

"Hermione, chill." I interrupted, looking at her.

"It isn't a big deal. Harry  just— is smart in potions I guess."

"No doubt.. But I swear I followed the instructions-"

"Mione, Mione..." I patted her shoulder, dearly. As I had a soothing voice on.

"It's okay.. not to admit you're not good at potions."

"But I-"

"-everybody has their weaknesses." I countered.

Hermione glared at me.

"I am good at potions!" She infuriated, stomping her footsteps on the floor as we were walking.

Uh oh.


"I know about what the potions do, what the names are, and I surely know how to make them! They stated directly in the book! I don't understand!" She scolded once more, before abruptly stopping her tracks.

"Oh merlins, I think I might've forgotten something-" She cursed before she could finish her sentence. Hermione quickly bolted away to a different direction, heading down the stairway. I followed her running figure, my eyebrows furrowed.

"Wait, Hermione! Where are you-"

Her figure left my sight, as I helplessly sighed.

She must've forgotten a book or something.

I shook my head, and continued my way up the stairs. Hermione always got frustrated when she didn't get an excellent score. She didn't want to be wrong, in fact she'll rarely admit if she's wrong in situations.

Sometimes, I thought it was annoying. Other times, it was quite funny.

I heard soft laughter coming closer to me, as I headed to the right of the hallway. I looked over at a door, and saw two familiar Slytherins came out of it.

Draco Malfoy, and Blaise Zabini.

I clutched my book as I saw them turn towards me.

I stared at the two of them, and gave Draco a firm look.

I saw Blaise nudge Draco's arm,

"Yo bro, you gonna call her a mud-blood or what?"

"She's not a mud-blood?"

"Oh, sorry. You saying mud-blood got stuck into my brain."

I heard them mutter to each other. They must've forgotten I could hear them, which was fairly stupid. I rolled my eyes,
petty men.

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