0047 • Blaming

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For once, i was smart enough to figure out how to get back to my dorm. It wasn't even that hard, yet I made it a big deal. I blamed my shaky fingers messing up the powerful jewelry, and I knew if I told Hermione any of this, she would get extremely angry.

I shuddered at the moment where she got mad at me for spilling orange juice.

Nobody seemed to be coming back to the dorm, and I couldn't help but feel a suddenly relief at the alone time I had. I guess nobody noticed I was gone.

Of course they didn't, I teleported to the exact time I put the necklace on.

I wondered how weird it must've felt when she did the exact same thing as me. Traveling back in time just to make it early for class.

But somehow, my mind had enough thinking for the day. I strongly needed the quiet area for relaxing.

Exhausted of the constant panicking, my body fell backwards onto my bed, and my eyes were shut quickly before having the dream of my life.


Hermione opened the wooden dorm from her room, peaking her head open to see y/n sound asleep.
She remembered her being energetic just a moment ago.

Hermione took notice of her calm and peaceful face when she is sleeping. Her breath was in a slow and steady pace, her chest rising every breath she took.
She looked like she was in a deep coma, never being able to wake up despite her breathing. But Hermione shook at that thought.

She then noticed something in her hand, sprawled next to her. It was a piece of a familiar jewelry. The same one she would always use. The same one
Mrs. McGonagall lend her to use.

Hermione now had the urge her awake, wavering over the thoughts she had.

"Y/N!" Her voice was raised, slamming the door closed. Hermione knew exactly what she was holding.

In a shock, y/n jumped out of her sleeping state and basically shouted;

Her figure startled her, seeing that she came back to her dorm the minutes she slept. But, that's when she noticed Hermione looking at something beside her.

"What are you doing with my time turner?!"
Her voice was the usual stern one she always had. You could never tell if she's happy or angry with that voice.

Shit, Y/N thought.
Her sleepy-state was now replaced with a rush of anxiousness. The only regret was not being able to put the necklace next to the nightstand before she got back.

"Nothing, obviously-"

"Stop lying to me, L/N."
Hermione interrupted, a cold glare was forming her pupils. The shade of the honey-brown color from her eyes grew darker.

One thing y/n knew was she hated when someone lied to her. Especially when she used their last name.
This situation could go two ways. Y/N could either not tell her the truth, making up some excuse which Hermione would still scold her for, or she could tell the dreaded truth. Where she would be surprised, shocked, but still scold her.

Y/N was already planning on telling her anyways, so what could the harm really be into telling her? It would've been such a relief for Hermione when she figures out that she finally knew the truth about Harry, so she doesn't have to tell her herself. She had a feeling something cursed her from saying anything. With that being, her mouth remained silent. Perhaps their were other ways of telling y/n. Perhaps not.

Either way, the oblivious girl already knew.

Y/N took a sigh out of her pink lips, and stood up to meet Hermione's height.

"Fine.. you want to know?"
Her fingers caught on the chain of the necklace, snatching it and dangling in front of her best friends face in some sort of mocking way.

"I've used this time turner to go back weeks ago, without knowing how to use it. It's dumb.. but not I didn't go for no reason. I.." Y/N paused, putting her hand down to meet Hermione's glare. She slightly shivered, losing her slight confidence from just looking into her eyes.

"I know, Hermione. Okay? I know that the cupcake Harry gave to me had a love potion In it, but it was indirectly given to Draco. I know that he wanted to give me a love potion, alright? I know everything. I know you already knew everything too."

Every word that came out of y/n's mouth, was how much Hermione's eyes widened.

"And.. really, I thought he poisoned his food or something, but it was that damn cupcake."

The silence was erupted between the girls, staring at each other with different looks.

"So, you know."

"Yeah, I do. And tomorrow, as the last day, I will kick his ass-"

"No!" Hermione interrupted, grabbing her shoulders.

"If he knows that you know, how do you think he'll react?"

Y/N was slightly startled by Hermione's words, taking a step-back.

"I-.. well, he'll just learn to deal with it-"

"He's different, okay? It's not everyday you get a boy unhealthily obsessed with you."

Unhealthily? Y/N thought.

"Maybe, you shouldn't of found out. You, the victim of finding out.. is really dangerous. In fact, I don't think you should even tell him that you know."

I shouldn't have found out?

The thought made y/n angry.

"What do you mean I shouldn't of found out?! Hermione, I'm in this situation too, I should of found out from the start-"

Y/N paused, before looking at Hermione.
Her best friend even knew before her.

"Why didn't you tell me?"


"Why didn't you tell me? You know how oblivious I am." Y/N argued.

"I couldn't!"


Just as she was about to utter a single word, the door opened. The two girls looked away from each other, and looked at the presence of the people who came in.

The other two dorm mates.

"Is something going on here?"
One asked, peeking her head out.

Both shook their head, blushing in embarrassment.

The two hadn't spoken for the night.
It was probably better to not too anyways.

But, all y/n wanted is to confront her ex.
Yelling at him, at how she knows about his little obsession.


Last chapter tmr :)

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