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Happy Valentine's day! This was a request by the lovely, silent_wrxth i didn't realize i had to click enter for it to make a link to their profile until now, and i am keeping this message here as a reminder BUT THANKS FOR REQUESTING 

i forgot to change the thingy sorry-

Lindor. The most delectable of chocolates, and I dare say, of all sweets, save for cheesecake of course. It comes in a wide variety of different flavours, and some even come gluten and dairy-free, for all the bitches out there. 

You pop one in your mouth and close your eyes in amazement, the taste spreading across your tongue. You swirl your tongue around the large sphere in your mouth, melting the cold chocolate with your hot breath.

You moan in delight, and finally, swallow down the chocolate. 

What a mistake to do that near your friends, Asta and Yuno. 

And with a full bag. 

You look at each of them, and their hungry stares. 

Run. *cue music*

You sprint away from your childhood friends and giggle when they stumble over their feet to catch up with you. Weaving through the streets and between all of the bustling people, you run straight to the empty testing area, where coincidentally, all of the twenty-year-old Captains stood. 

Seeing you running full speed near them and with your Crimson Lion's cape flowing behind you, the smell of chocolate imprinted on it, made them salivate and look at the Lindor longingly. 

I knew it was good but isn't this too much?! You sigh out and push your legs to go even faster. Simps, you chuckle to yourself.

Your legs carried you away from the common people, so you could unleash some magic to keep you and your Lindor away from them. 

Turning to face your panting pursuers, you decide to taunt them. Cupping a hand around your mouth you yell, "If this were a contest to become [a person of high status] I would've won!" 

This rouses the group to shout back, mainly Asta and Yuno shouting, "But that doesn't mean you'll become the Wizard King!"

"It kinda does, by go off I guess," you roll your eyes and a portal opens in front of you, sucking you into it unexpectedly. Finral.

"THAT'S CHEATING, YAMI!" You scream in his face as you drop into his big, bulky, loving arms, that have no doubt become strong after he cleans off the shit from his ass. I'm going to delete that thought after this.

You squirm and giggle as your assailants surround you and your candy. Yami holds you tight and Charlotte (Blue Rose Knights) grabs the candy with Dorothy (Coral Peacocks) behind her.

"I think this could be solved if [Name] fed each of us a piece," Nozel quietly says. Fuegoleon laughs at his cousin but agrees. 

"Fine, but then the rest of it's mine. No objections, y'hear?" [Name] points a finger and eyes all of them, before taking a piece out. "Who's first?"

Happy Single Awareness Day kids <33 aha. imagine being lonely :rolling_eyes:

anyways- i hope this was up to your standards babes, IM SORRY ITS SHORT

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