𝑋𝑋𝐼𝐼. 𝑂ℎ, 𝐻𝑒'𝑠 𝑎 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛

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First Person POV...


"What the hell- You're with this guy?!" I yell. That's impossible though. Didn't that thingy inside of my brain get rid of her?

I only weakened her mental state, which is essential to her magic.

I visibly flinch, but luckily, most of them hadn't noticed.

Holy shit, you're back!

I never left, dumbass.

Don't call me a dumbass, you-uh... hoe.

Did- pfft-! Did you just stutter?! In your head-?!

And now it's making fun of me. I roll my eyes physically which causes them all to move their attention to me. Patricia answers my question, "I've been helping his cause for years now. A pity I couldn't tell you before. You might've joined us."

I respond, "Hell no," and lift my middle finger 'cuz that's what all bad bitches do.

Last I checked, this 'bad bitch' almost died on simple missions multiple times.

Shut up.

"Well, that's enough chatting. Just surrender now and it won't-"

Quickly cutting her off, I copy her magic and use the same spell she used, transporting us to her empty brain. Damn, I think I can see some cobwebs in here. Ignoring that, I have no doubt those on the outside will be able to hold their own. They're strong and I believe in them.

On the outside, [Name] and Patricia collapsed together, making Yami and Asta worry. Well, Yami was worried for just a smidge, but Licht had attacked in those few seconds, which he had to quickly parry. Their sheer strength made everyone else unsteady.

"Anywho, let's get this over with. I want to see what that Licht man is-" I pause for two seconds, taking into account what I've just said. "HOLY SHIT, IT'S LICHT! HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE?!" I thought he was just a character in that book, but their appearance is the same! Their magic isn't though... Wait, does this mean Rhya, Fana, and... Vetto? are real as well?

"I don't know what you're talking about, but oh well," Patricia says and then she disappears. I can't feel her mana, I can't see her.

She's gone.

Except she's not.

Feeling a rush of air behind me, I quickly duck and swipe under her legs as I flip over and land back on my feet.

"Hmm, that was nice. No use fighting back though. Now that I've copied your mana, I can use that spell and make you a mind slave."

Her eyes widen and her body slackens in defeat. I grin maliciously at her expression then nonchalantly pick at my nails.

"But if I really think about it, I don't want you. And turning you into a mind slave would make me the same as you, so I'd rather not. Side note," I lean closer with that same grin on my face. "I'm glad you never had any actual children."

Whirling up pure mana in my hand, I blast it at her, knocking her out, hopefully for a long while. Might need her for information.

With a snap of my fingers, my consciousness is back in my own body. Testing it, I wriggle my fingers and toes. Oh, the cave is white too. It shouldn't be like that.

I can't feel anything. I should've noticed that first. Haha, I'm fucking screwed, what happened? (*chuckles* I'm in danger.)

☘︎The Evolving Clover☘︎Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora