𝑋𝐼𝑋. 𝐵𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒!

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Second Person POV...

Coochie man.

Okay, seriously, what the f0ck?

Alright, here's a rundown of what went down in the last 72 hours:

1. You went to the War Merits' Ceremony and learned that a lot of the Magic Knights are pompous assholes.

2. You were then encased in this magic shell you could've easily broken out of, but the kingdom was being attacked and you had to focus on that.

3. Asta ran out and you "followed" him.

4. You both fought this purple-haired freak and his zombie monsters.

5. Captain Fuegoleon and you were taken into this white area by spatial magic. They wanted his stone and you tried to protect him, but you were stabbed in the stomach while his arm was chopped off. You healed in two days, Captain is still in a coma. Damnit.

6. You have no idea who the person was, but they did seem familiar.

And now here you are, in the village of Nean after Asta invited you on your days off. It's a peaceful village and reminds you of Hage, especially since Asta's here and screaming.

Rebecca stares at you. She knows you're the one Asta likes, but she doesn't know how you feel about him. Now, she clenches her fists. Is the prime time to find out.


"Get away from her this second!" A deep voice says. You and Rebecca look over to see Asta, ass in the air with a shoe on his face holding him down. And the guy smushing Asta's face into the ground has a nosebleed.

"Pfft-" You stifle your laugh but- "BWAHAHAAHHAAHAHAHHAAHAAHAHA!" You laugh as you struggle to breathe properly. "Wait, wait, wait, lemme try this again." You wipe away your tears and put on your best threatening face.

"Get your foot away from his face before I make you."



First Person POV...(Gauche)

She has a halo! No, a halo is too little. She has the entire universe shining down on her! She is a goddess! I look down in disgust at the vermin underneath my foot. Why is someone like her with him?

Without even realizing it, blood gushes from my nose and mouth. I would've choked on it, but I have to live for my angel Marie and this goddess.

"BWAHAHAAHAHAHAAAHAHA!" Her laughter brings me joy as it rings like dozens of tiny golden bells. Beautiful, just like her. I can see her trying to calm herself as she lets go of her stomach. Suddenly, her face turns hard and... even more beautiful! More blood pours from my nose, but I keep my foot holding the vermin down.

"Get your foot away from his face before I make you."

Wordlessly, I comply, albeit reluctantly. Funny, because no other person could order me around besides Marie, and even then, I'd be able to decline if it put her in danger.

Back to Second POV because I don't know what else to put...

Nosebleed Guy finally gets his foot off of Asta, except now he's bleeding even more.

"With the training that I've done, this didn't hurt me at all, [Name]!" Asta gives you a thumbs up and the sparkles are back. Walking over wordlessly, you lean in close and bring your hands to his face to...

Pinch his cheeks.

"Are you just selective of what hurts you, because I remember not to long ago, that damned bird kept pecking you and that hurt didn't it?" You question and hold his cheeks tighter, making him squirm in discomfort.

Rebecca smiles, but on the inside, she's plotting ways to get with Asta. Meanwhile, Gauche is itching to destroy the so-called 'vermin' that is so close to you.

"Owie, ow, ow," Asta whines as you squeeze his cheeks one more time before letting go. The spots you pinched him at were red and bruising.

During the time you were pinching his cheeks, you felt another familiar mana signature. Noelle. Hiding a sly smirk, you sling your arm around Asta's shoulder and hold him close to ruffle his hair and he laughs, reaches up, and ruffles your [s/m/l] hair as well.

Your laughter reaches the old Sister of the church, Sister Theresa.

"Why is it so loud over there?" She mutters to herself.

She slowly walks over and is met with a sight of two teenagers rough-housing, the sister-loving freak, Marie, and Rebecca with her siblings.

"Marie," Sister Theresa calls. "Time's up. We need to go back to the church."

Marie smiles and waves her hands. "Sister!"

Sister Theresa faces Gauche, her tone turning into one of disgust. "Oh, you did come, gosh."

"Old crone." Gauche greets rudely.

"I'll have you call me by my proper title," she replies and they begin talking. While everyone else is conversing, you slink away to hide behind a certain silver-haired noble.

You hide your mana and sneak up behind her, your hands stretched out in front of you and...


"KYAAAHHH!" You can't hold back your laughter as Noelle shakes from the fear.

As both of you come down, Noelle asks you a question.

"[Name], how'd you know I was there?"

"It was your mana. You're really powerful, you know?" You give her a closed-eyed smile.

Noelle waves her hands furiously. "No, no, you're way more powerful than me!"

You look at her, your smile turning sad. "Noe, I don't 'know'(Get it? I'll leave-) if you've noticed, but I've passed out on almost every single mission I've gone on. I've put lives in danger. Hell, I've put you guys in danger!" Noelle looks at you in surprise. It's the first time she's ever seen you direct your anger towards yourself... She doesn't know why, but she wraps an arm around your shoulders and hugs you.

All she knows is that she doesn't want to see you like this ever again.

"Hey," her voice comes out soft. "I've put you in danger too. It's just something that happens. The one thing we can do is work past that. You said so yourself, right?" Noelle pulls your head off of her shoulder to look you dead in the eyes. "We can work on our control and get stronger together."

You laugh as you right yourself. "You know, the entire time you were talking, the sun was shining behind you, so you looked like you were glowing," you snort, and Noelle looks at you, happy her words had some impact.

"W-Well, I should be glowing. I am a noble after all," Noelle says as she flips her hair over her shoulder.

"Yes, yes, My Lady," you mockingly bow to her. Your laughs echo throughout the alleyway you were both hidden in.


Sneak Peak of the next chapter: [Name] has a dream- multiple, actually. Yup, it happens again.

Words: 1135

Published: October 19th, 2020


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