Ⅵ. ℂ𝕙𝕖𝕔𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕆𝕦𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕢𝕦𝕒𝕕!

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First Person POV...

I wonder what the purpose of doing that was? And I hope he finds his friend... I sullenly think.

"Hey, you must be my new underclassman! I'm your senior and guide." I nod my head absentmindedly at the guy who looks like our captain. Wait... he looks like our captain. I look at him again as I repeat those words in my head. He's like a carbon copy! Except shorter. Oh my gosh!

"Sorry, I was absentminded, sir! Please forgive me!" I bow repeatedly. Nobles usually hate when we don't respect them. Especially the Magic Knight ones. I was in another village that had just been ransacked by bandits. They had Magic Knights "protecting" them and I learned the hard way that...

no one is born equal.

This was actually one of the reasons why I wanted to become the Wizard Queen, just like Asta and Yuno. So, I will become number one and I will become the Wizard Queen.

"Don't worry about it! Let's just get to the squad base and I'll show you around!" My senior looks a little flustered for some reason. I shrug it off. "My name is Leopold Vermillion. And you are?"

"[Name] [L/N]." He looks surprised at my name.

"Well, let's get going! Here's your broom." He hands me an ordinary wooden broom. "You can decorate it when we get to the base. Follow me now!" And with that, we're off.

The whole time, all I can think about is the short conversation with Captain Rill. I̶ ̶d̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶n̶e̶e̶d̶ ̶s̶l̶e̶e̶p̶,̶ ̶I̶ ̶n̶e̶e̶d̶ ̶a̶n̶s̶w̶e̶r̶s̶.̶ Ah... I'm not going to be able to sleep with thoughts like this.


Third Person POV...

Leopold, Fuegoleon, [Name], and all the extras, travel to the base together. They don't bother introducing themselves to the pretty peasant. Usually, [Name] would go out of her way to make a good impression, but she's too focused on trying to figure out how to help Captain Rill.

It's obvious he's still upset over her disappearance, even though it's been 11 years. She should be 15, like Asta, Yuno, and I.

Leopold shakes his head again. Why does he care so much? Maybe it's because of your natural charm. Meanwhile, [Name] has given up on trying to find answers for now. I wonder what type of food they have at the base.(Ah, yes. When facing a midlife crisis, food is the best answer)

[Name] looks around, finally noticing the silence around her. Should I talk to someone? No, I'm sure it'll be fine. They look disgusted by my presence anyway. Who needs snobby friends anyway? I already have Asta, Yuno, and the people of the church. Even though she thinks that [Name] can't help but feel disappointed. The prejudice is right there, front and center. A determined look flashes through her eyes. This is why...

I will become the Wizard Queen!


It's been exactly six hours and nine minutes since they got to the base. [Name] was shown around the base by Leopold during that time and also had a hefty meal. She can't help but miss the tatoes from the church though. Those tasted like home to her.

After the meal, Leopold guides her to her new room. Now that I think about it, why was he assigned as my guide? 

Now, she is on the balcony of her new room, thinking about her conversation with Captain Rill. Maybe I'm overthinking. Especially since he'll find her eventually. 


Alive or dead.

 [Name] puts a hand to her chin. That doesn't explain how he knows my name. I didn't say it right? She facepalms. I probably did.

She looks up to the sky, the stars twinkling. She's always loved them. Sometimes, she talks to them and considers them as friends. [Name] used to climb onto the roof of her home in Hage to look at them. A star flashes by as a memory resurfaces...


[Name], at this time, is five. She's a rowdy-but intelligent-child that enjoys climbing and astrology. Her favorite constellation: Draco, the Dragon. She finds it astonishing that there's a dragon in the sky, even if it's just a constellation.

Now, she is on the roof of the church. Her parents are gone again, which is no surprise to her, even at five years old. They were gone a lot in the past year. Everyone else is asleep. [Name], despite being so intelligent, was being      s t o o p i d. She was rolling around the roof and giggling silently over a joke Asta had said a few hours before. Then, she falls. A flash of light is all [Name] can see as she does.

Flashback end...

[Name] reminisces, but that's all she can remember from that night. She woke up in her bed the next morning, but no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't remember what had happened. Of course, she got a scolding for it too, from Father Orsi. Forgetting about it, she uses her trained eyes to find the Draco constellation.

Seeing it gives her a sense of peace. She doesn't feel as lonely when she's alone. It's as if they're actually friends. It's as if it knows her. The stars of Draco shine simultaneously as if saying hello. [Name] smiles. All doubts disappeared.

Yeah... it's going to be alright here.

That night, she slept in the moonlight.


"[Name]! [Name]!" A hand attempts to shake her awake. "I didn't think I would have to resort to this." The voice says. Before [Name] could fully wake, ice-cold water is poured on her. She bolts up immediately, shivering.

[Name] glares at the one who woke her up. Leopold. She seethes. It doesn't matter if he's royalty or noble. He. Will. Die.

Leopold sees the look on her face. He's never been one to be afraid of things(unless it's his sister). But now? He's terrified. Regardless, he slaps on a confident grin.

"W-We have to train today! You'll be with me. Oh yeah, my brother also wanted to talk to you before we go." Leopold drags her back into her room. Or at least, he tries to. "Come! On!" He grunts out.

[Name] decides to finally get up, giving the straining boy a breather. She felt a little bit bad because it looked like some of his veins were going to pop. I'm no medical person, but I think that would've been bad. She dusts off her pants and enters her room. Leopold takes this as a sign to exit her room.

"I'll be waiting outside for you!" He happily waves. Leopold leans his back against the hallway. A blush erupts and covers his cheeks. His heartbeat quickens. Dammit. I just met her yesterday! He clenches his chest, right where his heart is. A smile overtakes his features.

It wouldn't be such a bad thing I guess... He smacks himself, the sound echoing throughout the hallway. Dang, it Leopold! It's just because she's cute. It's just because she's cute. It's just because she's cute. It's just because she's cute. It's just because she's cute. It's just because she's cute.

By the time Sleeping Beauty herself walks out, Leopold has already calmed himself. He grins. "Ready to go?"


Words: 1211

Published: September 14th, 2020

Edited: 15 mar 2022

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