xxxɪɪ. ɴᴀᴍᴇs ᴜᴘᴏɴ ɴᴀᴍᴇs

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Third Person POV...
Time: 7:39 p.m.

Well, this is certainly a huge responsibility, [Name] thinks sourly. To be honest, she wanted to stay as someone else's subordinate and take orders and missions from them- not giving them out herself and potentially protecting the hopeless kids.

But, there's nothing she can do now. The news is already blaring on the streets, and news of the new captain- and the youngest, breaking Rill's record- is already on it's way to the Forsaken Realm. The nobles that discriminate against the commoners are probably going mad from disbelief.

A commoner from the boonies becoming a Magic Knights Captain?! Inconceivable! And to make matters worse, (for them of course) the vice captain of the Golden Dawn is also a peasant. How disgusting, they must be thinking as they sip their wines and laugh heartily whilst others starve.

Enough of that.

What's important is figuring out names, and what's going to happen from here on out.

[Name] is surprised Asta and Yuno haven't visited her yet- but it's no problem, they're probably busy. I do wonder if they're okay though? She puts her thumb on her chin, and her index finger on her face as she thinks, biting her lip.

She's brought out of her stupor as her door creaks open and the small child that's living with her walks in. Reason? When the Magic Knights were trying to find his parents, he called out to [Name].

Well, I guess he's good practice for the squad- wait, does he already have a name?

"Hey, kid. What's your name?"

She asks. He looks at her with beedy brown eyes and shakes his head.

"I don't... have one," he says slowly. [Name] cocks her head, wondering if he actually doesn't have one, or if he forgot. No matter, she'll just have to do it herself.

She brainstorms names, and decides that she'll name her squad after him. He'll be her muse.


Why is it so hard to think of names? [Name] thought it'd be easy, but apparently not. she sighs and shakes her head, looking down at the kid that now naps on her bed. He sticks near [Name] for most of the day unless she's going on a mission. But she hasn't been on one in a while since the captains and she heard the news from Julius.

Or the supposed Julius.

[Name] can't trust him right now. Whether it's just a strange gut feeling or something, he feels weird... unlike his usual self. And yeah, his mana signature is the same, but still. His facial expression, the fact that his eyes didn't sparkle like they usually would...

Well, he could've just been tired, but [Name]'ll keep her guard up for the time being.

The door slams open, and this time it's [Name]'s wind-bearing friend and his spirit. His black hair is as messy as usual, and it blows past his face as he walks in. His golden eyes shine when they meet my own, not showing the usual annoyance that occurs when Asta or Bell bother him.

She's still sitting on the bed when he hugs her, and [Name] hugs him back, burying her face into the crook of his neck.

"It's been a while again Yuno," she says with a smile.

"Yeah, it has been. I heard everything a while ago, the news has been spreading through the country."

He smiles back down, proudly, like a dad almost. [Name] chuckles. "Sit down, but don't wake him up- oh." When she turns to point at the kid, he's already up and looking at her with wide, curious eyes.

"Well, would you look at that. You slept so soundly, I almost thought you were dead," [Name] tries to joke around with the kid.

First Person POV...

Dead... dead? I know that word. It's cold. Mommy and daddy's hands are cold.

I'm scared. It's hard to breathe. What did mommy say again?


"AJAX! MY NAME!" I suddenly exclaim. My cheeks are wet. I'm crying

"My name is Ajax."


Words: 733
Published: May 28th, 2021

Yes, this one is considerably shorter, but i felt like this was a good stopping point, also help i'm making a second book for the kid already someone stop me


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