χχχνιι. ιт'ѕ α ∂αтє!

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Route chosen: All. Why? Because I said so. also i started school 😋

The three boys glare at each other, the air becoming heated between them. I wonder how it'll be when they go back to their headquarters...

"Well, how about this!" I start. Their attention turns to me, thankfully. "Let's all go together. Simple solution, right?" The mood lightens, and they nod.

We travel around, laughing at different displays, and the competitions that are being held. Before we knew it, our group had gotten larger, and Captain Yami, Rill, Charlotte, Jack, and Yuno had joined us. Might as well have all the knights walk with us.

It's a warm feeling, walking and talking with them. I'm glad.

A nostalgic feeling warms my stomach, making me feel slightly sick. But it's the good kind of sick I think. Maybe, before I die again, would this be a memory I look back to? I hope so. Everything seems so peaceful right now.

Such dark thoughts in a fun time.

I hate how many times I have to tell you this. Get the fuck out of my head, AND RESPECT A PERSON'S GODDAMN PRIVACY!

It's not like you can do anything to me if I don't-

Forming a mental image of a needle, I stab where I feel Draco's consciousness. Jokes on him.


I did something, didn't I? Out. Now.

Tsk, fine.

You little wuss, I think once I feel him leave. Now that I think about it, I could probably do the same to him... you know~, finding out enemy plans and fucking them up and stuff...

Too troublesome.

"[Name]! Why'd you stop walking?" Asta runs up next to me, Yuno close behind him, grinning widely. "Come on, you don't wanna miss this, do ya?" Yuno nods and grabs my arm, Asta grabbing the other.

"Wah-! Hold on, haha!" They pull me along as I stumble, laughing. The group ahead is waiting for us, talking and laughing with each other. The lights illuminate their warm smiles, and something flutters in my chest.

This is gonna be a good night.


I don't know how it happened, but I'm alone with Captain Rill now... er, Rill? He said no formalities so uh... yeah. We walk silently, but we don't point it out. Although, it seems weird for Rill to be so quiet, even if I haven't known him for long.

"Hey [Name], do you remember when we first met?" Rill suddenly asks.

"Huh- oh, yeah of course I do. It was at the Magic Knights audition," I reply. "That wasn't actually our first meeting though, was it?"

Rill shakes his head, fluffy hair moving with him. "You're right, it's not. Truthfully, we were friends when we were younger, as I'm an aristocrat and you are... you know. You were really cute as a baby," he laughs.

I chuckle, "Yeah, I probably was."

"You're supposed to say thank you in times like these, [Name]," Rill says jokingly. Or at least, I hope he said it jokingly because I honestly can't tell. I also don't care because I know damn well that I was the cutest baby out there.

"I was really surprised, you know? When you showed up there. Everyone thought you had died and we weren't even allowed to search for you beforehand. Stupid ki-"

"Ah, ah, let's not go there. However weak 'Killian' is, he may still have some strong supporters in the crowd," I interrupt him before he digs a hole for himself. How is he still the king? He clearly doesn't do shit and he doesn't care for his people either. This is why dumb asses should go to school.

Rill sighs, ultimately agreeing with me. "Yes, you're right. I wouldn't want to ruin the festivities by beating their faces in."

I chuckle, "You wouldn't even get a hit in before I destroy them all."

Rill grins widely, his face lighting up again. "Is that a challenge? I sure hope it was because-"

"Captain Rill!"

A knight with the Aqua Deer's cape runs up to Rill and I, whispering furiously into the young captains' ear. Rill looks dejected when the knight ends their talk.

"It looks like I'll have to leave you here. But~, I'll see you up on stage!" He winks at me and waves as he walks away. Winking and waving back, I head in the opposite direction.

"Uncle Julius, what's poppin'?" I ask the 40-something-year-old mentally.

"This is new, [Name]. How do you do it? And this is mind magic, right?!" Julius explodes when he hears my voice.

"Number 1, it's a new thing and I didn't know if it would work. Number 2, it's magic, and number 3, yes. Now, back to what I had asked... What's poppin'?" I keep my answers brief.

"Well, Rhya has been captured. You should've seen the look on his face when an old grandma beat him up, HAHAH!"

"I'm afraid you'll choke if you laugh any harder than that."


The crowd moves to the podium, excited to see the rankings of all the Magic Squads this year. Surely, the Golden Dawn will come up on top, right? They are the best squad after all. Is what they're all thinking. You don't have to have mind magic to know that much. I move with the crowd as well. I can't say I'm not interested in what's going to happen.

Trumpets flare and confetti shoots up onto the stage, announcing the captains' arrival. That's gonna be me up there soon, hehe.

The crowd murmurs as the captains make their way in.

"The Crimson Lion and Purple Orca captains have been switched..." they mumble. Odd, I know, but I never really liked that ham anyway. He was always smiling and it was unsettling. Captain Fuegoleon on the other hand...

He's hot in more ways than one. (/j) And his siblings-

And last but not least, Uncle Julius arrives on the balcony above them, head held high as he looks over the citizens of Clover Kingdom. I wonder where he stored Rhya...


Words: 1018

Published: August 20th, 2021


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