Chapter 5

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Clara's heart beat wildly in her chest as Harrison approached Araminta. He gently took her hand and raised it to his lips. "My lady," he said.

"Sir," Araminta regarded him back. "It is my honor to have you here."

"Please, sit," Lady Llewelyn said.

Harrison's father sat directly at Lady Llewelyn's left; Lord Llewelyn at her right. Harrison sat down next to his father and looked up expectantly at Araminta. She gave him a smile, then gracefully went around to the other side of the table to sit next to her father, giving Clara a small wink as she passed. Clara gave a tight-lipped smile in return.

Clara shot a glance at Harrison as his mother took a seat on his other side. He followed Araminta's movements in confusion, and Clara knew that she would have to deflect a whole other set of questions when she attempted to get his silence about the ball.

"Now," Lady Llewelyn announced as everyone was finally seated, "I'm sure you're all hungry, so we won't delay the food with boring discussion. Beatrice!" she called.

Beatrice and an army of servers brought in their first course, and the extensive dinner began.

Clara had served many of the Llewelyns' dinner parties. For the most part, they were simple. All she had to do was keep cups filled with wine and water. But now, watching Harrison gaze at Araminta with devotion and Araminta completely ignore him, Clara felt as though the night would never end. She couldn't decide if her stomach had butterflies or if she just felt nauseous. Potentially both.

Araminta gestured to her, and Clara leaned down. "It's working perfectly," Araminta breathed. "You'll be able to hold up your end of plan?"

Clara just gave a small nod and stood back up straight to go fill up Lady Llewelyn's cup. She stole another glance at Harrison. He seemed to have given up getting Araminta's attention and was not engaged in conversation with his mother.

"You look stiff as a board, what's wrong with you?" Beatrice whispered the question in Clara's ear as the servers brought the last course, dessert, out to the table.

"It's a long and ridiculous story," Clara muttered back.

"Isn't it always around here?" Beatrice commented. The servers finished placing the dessert in front of each guest and retreated out of the room. "We have a bit of extra dessert down in the kitchens, I'll save some for you if you want."

Clara glanced at what they were having, and her mouth watered when she saw the chocolate mousse. She loved chocolate, but rarely got to have it. "Yes, please," she whispered.

Beatrice gave her a small smile, squeezed her elbow in encouragement, and left the room.

Araminta barely took two mouthfuls of her dessert before putting her spoon down. "You'll have to excuse me," she announced to the table. "But all this food is making feel quite sleepy. I think it's time to go rest."

"Of course, darling." Lady Llewelyn gave her daughter a knowing look. "You don't mind, do you?" She turned toward the Norringtons.

The family looked surprised, but none of them dared object. "Of course," Mrs. Norrington said. "I know how heavy these meals can be and they toll they can take. Quite often I don't want to do anything for the rest of the day after eating so much."

Clara could hardly hold back a scoff at the conversation. Complaining about too much food.

"Thank you, Mrs. Norrington," Araminta said. "I appreciate your understanding." She stood up and gave the two men across from her a respectful nod. "Thank you for coming tonight. It was wonderful to see you again."

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